The Peter Principal — Does it dictate failure in the workplace?

Mike Harbison
Helpdesk Bro’s
Published in
2 min readJan 16, 2023


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What is this Peter Principal you speak of?

A proposed concept around management theory by Dr. Laurence J. Peter in his 1969 book, “The Peter Principle: Why Things Always Go Wrong.” The principle states that in a hierarchy, members are promoted based on their performance in their current role, rather than on their ability to perform the tasks of the next higher level. As a result, employees will eventually be promoted to a level of incompetence, where they are no longer able to perform effectively in their role. This can lead to demotivation and reduced productivity for the individual, and can also create problems for the organization as a whole.

While the Peter Principle is a widely recognized concept, there is some debate about its applicability in reality. Some argue that the principle is too simplistic and doesn’t take into account the complexity of organizational dynamics. Others suggest that the principle is based on outdated assumptions about the nature of work and the way organizations operate.

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One of the main criticisms of the Peter Principle is that it assumes that all employees are…



Mike Harbison
Helpdesk Bro’s

Geek | Cyber Security Engineer | Writer | Gaming Enthusiast | Investor | Also a human.