The Key to a Happy Customer Service Team: Having Fun
Published in
2 min readDec 10, 2019

By Raquel Guarino

It turns out that the secret to keeping customers happy is by making sure your employees are happy, too. A recent report by the Harvard Business Review revealed:

A happier workforce is clearly associated with companies’ ability to deliver better customer satisfaction — particularly in industries with the closest contact between workers and customers, including retail, tourism, restaurants, health care, and financial services.

Here at, we strive to accomplish both! That’s why this Halloween, our team went all out in a number of ways to make this October 31st the happiest, kookiest, cheesiest one yet.

Lasagna Potluck

Don’t ask too many questions about why we had a lasagna potluck on Halloween. It made sense when we planned it, and we’re sticking to it.


No theme this year, just a lot of randomness: two chickens, a few superheroes, a surprise cameo from CEO Adam (wearing a medical boot and all), Lasagna delRey (who happened to be the favorite at our potluck), Carmen Sandiego, and a few other furry friends.

Family Reunion

Last year, hired Second Chance to replace Lead Frontend Engineer Chance Eakin when he called out sick. Now we have a Third Chance in the office, and they’re finally one big happy family! Learn more about their origin story .

Spooky Snacks

There’s nothing creepier than a flaming hot Cheeto covered cheeseball with a face, right? That’s what we thought.

Read Now: Named One of the Best Places to Work in Austin in 2019

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