Gastritis in seniors — Life After 60

Urvi Sood
Published in
4 min readDec 7, 2021

One of the most common health issues among every age group is that of gastritis, which can be caused due to excess consumption of alcohol, regular usage of pain killers, stress, and other diseases.

Joining us today is Dr. Shikha Gupta, who will enlighten us about gastritis, and how we can cure it with the help of naturopathy.

Dr. Shikha is a Yoga and Naturopathy Specialist working with her own founded clinic called HIW Holistic Clinic — Health is Wealth. She has 19 years of experience in this particular field and is based in Lucknow.

Gastritis -

It is one of the most common diseases one can have, it is an acute disease which if not treated properly can become chronic.

However, since it is such a common thing to occur, you can easily treat yourself without any medications.

One can get gastritis by eating unhealthy food, taking a lot of stress, having an irregular diet and lifestyle. Having a well-balanced diet, a good lifestyle, and becoming calm are few remedies that can stop the occurrence.

It’s just like Dr. Shikha Gupta says “If good immune system is a drug of COVID 19, then Naturopathy is paramount”.


Are constipation and gastritis related?

Constipation occurs when the previous food gets stuck in your rectum and we take digestive medicines like Esafgol or Trifla because we feel that our stomach is getting indigested.

Naturopathy works on the root cause of the problem, firstly it is checked how constipated a person is, whether they are applying pressure or is it natural, the second step is to ensure that there is no burping or indigestion to the patient.

Constipation if exists for a longer period of time, is converted into gastritis, gastritis, if stays for long, is converted into acidity, acidity converts into colitis if the medicines are not working properly, and if colitis is not resolved then it converts into ulcerative colitis, these all are causes of stomach cancer too.

Diet -

If you are having acidity, try to make sure that you are not having constipation, work on your constipation first and not acidity.

The diet that you should not intake while having acidity is oily, deep-fried, spicy, and hot. You should even stop taking milk tea, cold drinks, and bakery products.

What you should rather take is fruits like coconut, you can drink coconut water, or soak the coconut overnight and make coconut milk in the morning, or just eat the pieces of coconut as it is too.

Other than coconut, dates, pomegranate, ripe banana, and little cold milk are highly effective too, all the cold food will help your body relax.

Lifestyle -

Your lifestyle affects the inside of your body, which many people may not know.

Apart from taking a proper diet, sleeping patterns should also be improved to avoid the case of constipation.

Nowadays, all young adults sleep quite late at night, and by not getting proper 8 hours of sleep, your body starts affecting in various ways, since it requires sleep too.

Just like there is a time frame for breathing exercises that are beneficial for your lungs, there is also a time frame for your large intestine, disturbing the time frame will irritate your body and cause constipation.

That is why it is important to follow the correct lifestyle and avoid such things from occurring.

Naturopathy -

In naturopathy, if a person is constipated, a raw fiber diet like salads or fruits is suggested to eat throughout the day.

But, when a person has gastritis, raw food should not be taken, and instead, hot and cold fermentation is useful wherein you use cold towels or hot packs as guided by the doctor.

Apart from this, enema for seven days and kunjal are also given to the patients which completely clears out the intestine and helps in the process.

When your intestine gets cleaned, vegetable soup, fruits, and raisins are suggested to eat throughout the day, in intervals.

However, if you start eating spicy food or drink tea, after seven days and do not follow proper dietary management, you will again feel constipated, you have to change your diet completely in order to avoid having constipation, or gastritis.

Conclusion -

One can go for either naturopathy management or medicinal management.

We all know that if we intake medicines they provide relief but after a few days, the problem again arises, which is why it is recommended to go for naturopathy as it combines natural techniques like hot and cold fermentation, mudpacks, for relief from constipation or gastritis.

Naturopathy really works well, and is the best solution for concerns inside your body, because we all know nothing is better than natural beauty. Natural, ayurvedic, medicines, yoga, meditation, is what keeps a mind, and body, healthy, and calm.

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