When Your Child Is Failing At Motherhood

How The Matriarch Of A Family Deals With Her Troubled Family

Lisa Holliday
Helping Grandparents


Photo by Ravi Patel on Unsplash

Your daughter was an amazing mother. She had some hardships in the past with drug use and depression, and she is doing far better than you ever expected. You are proud of her, stepping up, even though you didn’t believe she was ready to be a mother.

Then it happens, something shifts, something changes, and she isn’t engaged with her child.

As her mother, this is something extremely hard to comprehend. You have dreams for your children, all mothers do. You have fallen in love with your grandchild, and now you are in the precarious position of stepping in for your grandchild and hurting your child.

As the matriarch of your family, you have to set your feelings aside and look at the big picture. What is best for your daughter, what is best for your grandchild, what is best for your family, what can you do to facilitate all of the above.

First and foremost, you didn’t ask for this situation, your child is struggling and it is impacting her child. Your grandchild deserves safety and an abuse-free life, even if your child doesn’t intend in harming your grandchild.

Your friends and other family members may not understand the circumstances but quite…

