Photo by Ben White

10 reasons to create a knowledge base

Any SaaS team should rely on a self-serve help center as the place to go for customers facing any issue. When done right, it can pay huge dividends across your entire organization. Why?

Michael Hulet
Published in
3 min readNov 2, 2016


#1: It reduces support email

Having an up-to-date knowledge base cut down your support tickets up to 50%.

Check which topics are recurrent in your support tickets. Write answers and procedures about these topics first. Then take care of the quality of your articles: no dead links, up-to-date screenshots and procedures.

Make sure that your knowledge base can easily be reached from your app/store. Then collect feedback from your customers about the quality of your knowledge base.

#2: Your customers find answers on Google

We all use Google to search for answers. This goes the same for problems we have with online software: we type on Chrome first.

Make sure that your knowledge base is SEO-friendly. Use Google Analytics to learn how many customers are actually coming from search engines. Check their requests and improve your help center based on what you learn.

#3: Your churn rate is reduced

A confused customer facing an issue in your app is already slipping away. If your Customer Support team can’t answer within a few minutes, you want to make sure that the problem can be resolved.

This is what your knowledge base does. Always improve the quality of your articles, as it will definitely reduce your churn rate. Again, make sure that your articles are up-to-date otherwise it could backfire!

#4: Your customers resolve problems while you sleep

That’s something we all love. Just think about it for a minute: if you take care of your knowledge base, your customers will be happy whenever they are using your app or browsing your online store.

#5: Your SEO is positively impacted

A knowledge base is probably the place where you’ll see the more information about the product’ features. That’s why it should be managed as one of the main channels for SEO.

If it can be available directly from your top domain, like, it might be even better (but this is a never-ending debate).

#6: It is an onboarding feature itself

We all know about “Getting Started” articles. By publishing an outstanding Getting Started section on your knowledge base, you make sure that onboarded customers are actually reaching the goals you want them to achieve.

#7: Your customers are happier

It highly depends on the success rate of your knowledge base. If you maintain a high-quality level with fresh and up-to-date articles, your customers will thank you without even saying it. They will be happier and will buy from you again.

#8: Your employees are empowered

A knowledge base empowers Customer Support members to take action and to improve processes. By reducing support email, it will also improve their customer relationships as their inbox will be safe for the most important requests.

#9: A global access to your product value

Apart from a “Quick Tour/Features” page on the product page, the best place to check what your online software looks like is your product’ knowledge base.

Prospects will browse it not to resolve issues but to check what your tool looks like and what it is actually doing. They will also get a first impression about the quality of your support. Make sure it rocks!

#10: It’s sustainable

A knowledge base content should be defined with the long term in mind. If improved and checked regularly, it will benefit for years.



Michael Hulet

Developer @punchpass. Enjoy nature, travels, friends and family.