Functional Testing of Mobile and Web Apps using Clojure

By Mayur Jadhav

Helpshift Engineering Team
1 min readSep 19, 2014



We use Clojure extensively at Helpshift. It is our primary language (though we use Go, Python and Erlang as well). We also use Clojure extensively for testing our systems. We believe in automated testing as well as automated generation of test cases. Clojure is a dialect of Lisp created by Rich Hickey that runs on the JVM. Like other Lisps, Clojure treats code as data and has a macro system. This makes it easy to do code/data generation to test a lot of input/output combinations. Also since it runs on the JVM, we have access to all the Java libraries. In essence this is the best of both worlds, you have the expressiveness, succintness and power of Lisp, the stability/tooling of the JVM and access to huge number of java libraries (through interop). This makes it ideal for automated testing of mobile and web applications.

Recently, as part of Selenium Conf we gave a talk on “Functional Testing of Mobile and Web Apps using Clojure” in which we shared our experience of using Clojure for testing mobile and web applications. The talk video, a short demo and the slides are embedded below:




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