Pretend to cook like an Italian

Recipe of the Wonderful Pasta

Margherita Pletti
2 min readFeb 12, 2017


Since I’m Italian people think I can cook, or at least that I enjoy doing it, but it’s very untrue. In emergency cases, my secret weapon is the Wonderful Pasta, or the Volunteer’s Pasta: no matter how bad you are at cooking, this pasta will never disappoint your diners. First step, go get your material:

Ingredients of the Wonderful Pasta

  • Eggs, whole. One per person.
  • Grated cheese, any, but seasoned is better.
  • Bacon
  • Pasta, of course. Any kind will do.

Cut the bacon in little squares and fry it in a large pan until it gets nice and crispy. Break the eggs in a bowl, add a decent amount of cheese and mix it up with a fork until it’s creamy. Cook and drain the pasta, add it in the bacon’s pan and, on low heat, pour the eggs and cheese on it. Stir until the eggs are cooked and the cheese is melted. You’re done. To reach perfection, add black pepper.

Variations: tuna instead of bacon, and/or without cheese.

This pasta is fast, easy and tremendously tasty, and the ingredients are available in most Countries; it’s very good before shoveling snow or chopping wood, as it keeps you going for hours.

As you probably noticed, it’s the most vegan unfriendly dish you can imagine, yes I ditched the vegan diet. Buon appetito!

