A New Look at Cielo Drive:

Steve Sumner
Helter Skelter Forum
5 min readApr 20, 2021


Front Porch Part II

Warning: the following crime scene photographs may disturb some readers. If you do not want to view the actual Tate crime scene pictures, do not continue.

Back to the porch scene and the doctored photos of the crime scene. Courtney provided the picture above, which seems to be a publicity shoot for “Valley of the Dolls”. The door picture appears on the IMDb Website. I am currently asking for help in finding the original picture to see where the changes occurred.

The full movie is available free, as of this writing, here.

In both the above picture and the “door photoshop”, Sharon has a strange mustache-like shadow above her upper lip. It appears that lighting may have played a part in the evil-looking picture, maybe even from its inception. The illusive original remains at large. Here’s a closeup from the IMDb picture (slightly enhanced):

Strange mustache shadows in the door picture.

Notice that the shadows form both above and below. In other pictures, where her face is featured, there are more natural shadows.

Back at the Cielo Drive corner of the Facebook forum, eagle-eyed Carl has put together an amazing video, which we hope to have ready soon. We will revise and update later. For now, I have some screenshots that were very surprising.

When I made my 3D renderings I used a crime scene photo and added my figure. Carl happened to use the same picture but noted in his shot, that someone had photoshopped some of the bloodstains out.

Why? And it only gets stranger.

He also noted things like the bodies on the lawn, or the blankets they were covered with we photoshopped out in a helicopter shot, as well as a cop car and portions of a phone pole. We will post the video as soon as possible. The why of it remains a mystery. Just pranks? The product of a bored mind and too much free time?

From the Forum: Carl Moderator:

I guess I was too ambiguous in that video. The image that you used was *definitely* photoshopped. That weirdness with the wall & floor in the lower right corner proves that. And blotch #3 in your version isn’t evident in the photo (we’ve all seen) of the detective bending down and pointing at the blood on the rock-brick wall of the entryway.

What mystifies me most is why someone would even modify the wall & floor like that? It’s possible that it was simply to cover a photographic imperfection found on a different physical copy of that photograph, such as holes made by a staple being removed. (In the version I used — whose source featured 4 physical photographs together — you can see obvious evidence of a removed staple above the chair.) But you’d think the person would have done a better job of it by using the healing brush to grab another section of the floor, to copy over to the damaged area.

And WHY seemingly *ADD* blood stains anyway? “To make it more horrific,” one could theorize…but why? Furthermore, how much more horror would those few spots of blood actually ADD, in view of the puddles/splatters of blood on the porch?

Conversely, if people wish to believe that your version was *revealing* additional blood spots, how much “minimizing” by removing those spots is really accomplished, in light of the comparatively large quantities of blood elsewhere?

Steve: Wait, you think the blood was ADDED in, not removed from the picture?

Carl : Yes! I mean, we can SEE that it was photoshopped on the wall & floor. The version I ended up using featured no such oddity on the wall & floor — if it had, I would have called BS on it. And the 3rd blotch is absent in a completely different photo — the one in which the detective is kneeling in the entryway. I can’t be certain about “blood droplet” groups #1 and #2, but since that photo already has 2 strikes against it, I tend to suspect foul play with those too.

Steve: It’s like an optical illusion. I kinda see it in reverse. But there’s no question that there was a big pool of blood near the door on the porch, I don’t think.

Courtney Moderator: The blood in the bushes is the one that has always looked questionable to me.

Steve: Yeah, that’s a big deal because leaving the typing vague Bugs was able to make people forget that both Sharon and jay were outside the house.

The picture below is one scenario that unfolds neatly. It fits the bloody handprint.

Next: The X Theory. Did they carve an X into the bodies of Sharon and Jay? Were the killers or accomplices trying to take Sharon's baby?

Graphic crime scene.

