Introducing Account-Centric Data Mining Game

Louis Wang
Hemera Protocol
Published in
5 min readAug 27, 2024

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Revolutionizing Blockchain Data: The ACI Approach

The Data Dilemma in Blockchain

In the rapidly evolving world of Web3, we’re witnessing an explosion of on-chain data. From financial transactions to gaming achievements or art collections, users are leaving digital footprints across various dApps.

While this wealth of information holds immense potential, particularly for AI and machine learning applications, there’s a significant hurdle: the raw transaction data lacks the necessary context and structure for meaningful analysis. It’s like having a library full of books, but without any system to categorize or understand their contents.

Enter Account-centric Indexing (ACI)

This is where Account-centric Indexing (ACI) steps in. Imagine ACI as a sophisticated librarian for blockchain data. It doesn’t just store information; it organizes, categorizes, and provides context to make the data truly valuable.

Core values of ACI can be summarized as:

  1. User-Centric Approach: ACI puts the user (or account) at the center, creating a comprehensive profile for each blockchain user. This profile encompasses all their activities and attributes, providing a holistic view of user behavior.
  2. Semantic Understanding: Beyond merely recording transactions, ACI interprets their meaning within the broader context of user behavior. This deeper understanding transforms raw data into actionable insights.
  3. Flexibility and Expandability: As the blockchain ecosystem evolves, so does ACI. Developers can easily define new ‘Features’ — attributes or activities that describe user behavior — ensuring the system grows with the community’s needs.
  4. Efficiency for Developers: By providing high-level, semantic data, ACI saves developers countless hours they would otherwise spend sifting through and interpreting raw blockchain data.

Consider a GameFi developer wanting to reward their most active players. Without ACI, they’d need to comb through thousands of transactions, trying to piece together user activity. With ACI, they can simply query accounts with high gaming activity Features, instantly identifying their target group.

Or picture a DeFi platform aiming to understand user trading patterns. ACI can provide a clear view of each account’s trading volume, frequency, and preferences, all neatly organized and readily accessible.

Our recent case study with Mantle Network showcases this ability clearly:

By bridging the gap between raw data and meaningful insights, ACI isn’t just solving today’s challenges, it’s laying the groundwork for a future where blockchain data drives innovation, personalization, and user-centric experiences across the Web3 landscape.

Introducing ACI Mining Game: Learn, Play and Earn!

While Account-centric Indexing (ACI) is a powerful concept, we understand that its technical nature can be challenging to grasp. That’s why we’re excited to introduce our ACI mining game — a fun and rewarding way to educate users about the intricacies of blockchain data indexing.

In this innovative game, you become a blockchain data miner with an upgradable role. Your mission? To “mine” addresses and uncover their hidden traits!

Key Game Elements

  1. Mining: When you click an address, you’re essentially running indexing code to uncover an address’s account-centric features, playing the role of indexer in ACI network.
  2. Traits: At Hemera Protocol, each account is defined by a set of features. For simplicity, we’ve translated these into “traits” within the game. A trait refers to specific characteristics associated with a user’s wallet account in the Web3 ecosystem. These traits highlight various aspects of the user’s activity, behavior, and experience in the decentralized world. Examples include “top trader on DEX in the past 7 days”, “USDT whales”, and “active smart contracts developer”.
  3. Discoveries: As you mine more addresses, you’ll uncover increasingly rare traits, adding an element of excitement and discovery to your mining journey.

How to Play and Earn

  1. Start Mining: Begin by mining addresses connected to you. Each successful mining operation reveals traits (or unfortunately no traits)of the mined address.
  2. Earn Rewards: Every trait you uncover earns you $DAY tokens. Rarer traits yield higher rewards. The more you mine, the more you earn!
  3. Upgrade Your Role: Complete achievements like reaching a certain number of mining operations or uncovering a specific number of traits to upgrade your miner role.
  4. Boost Your Mining: While you receive daily $DAY tokens for mining, you can accelerate your progress by minting in-app Mining Booster NFT.

About $DAY Tokens

$DAY is the official token of the Hemera Protocol. While not yet officially launched, the test $DAY earned in the game will serve as proof of participation, potentially leading to future benefits such as airdrops.

Hemera Joins BNB Chain’s Build Key Launch

We’re pleased to announce that Hemera is participating in the Build Key Launch on BNB Chain. This collaboration brings more benefits to our community and game players.

The Build Key Launch introduces concepts as:

  1. Tokenized Value: Projects can create “Build Keys” — ERC-721-like tokens with intrinsic value.
  2. Dynamic Pricing: These keys are traded in an independent AMM pool and the key price follows a dynamic bonding curve.
  3. Flexible Usage: Users can hold keys for potential long-term benefits or trade them in the short term.

As part of this initiative, Hemera will be offering Build Keys to our most active users in ACI mining game, providing additional incentives within our ecosystem.

Stay tuned to our official channels for upcoming announcements about how you can participate and benefit from this new initiative.

Ready to Dive In?

Start your journey as an ACI miner today! Explore the on-chain data, uncover rare traits, and earn rewards while learning about the fascinating world of Account-Centric Indexing!

