How Hemi’s Rebel Entrepreneurs Are Tackling COVID-19 in Their Own Ways

Hemi Ventures
Hemi Investment
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2020

The latest report from the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 19, 2020, stated that the global number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 had surpassed 200,000.

Headline news has impressed upon us the importance of self-quarantining to prevent the continued spread of this virus. People are washing their hands longer, sanitizing surfaces, and avoiding contact with others. Consumers are stocking up, employees are working from home, and businesses are being forced to close their doors.

There is no way to know exactly how long this will continue and what the long-term impacts will be on our lives. Fortunately, technology has allowed us to remain connected, whether its Facetiming with family or Skyping for work.

While much of the world is hunkered down, waiting for this to pass, Hemi’s rebel entrepreneurs are still hard at work. Some are working on technologies to help us get through this pandemic, and others are working technologies that will help us move industries forward.

Here, we take a look at what our Hemi rebels are doing to limit the spread of Covid-19. is an intelligent software platform built for life science teams to increase speed to market, improve yield per batch, and reduce deviations. Using smart manufacturing, they can deliver lifesaving drugs to market faster and more reliably for the people who need them the most.

During this critical time, their solution can help train manufacturing labs without in-person travel. Their rapid Deployment Kits for COVID-19 were created as a response to the increasing travel bans, facility closures, and meeting bans caused by the COVID-19 outbreak. The kits allow for hands-free remote support, troubleshooting, guidance, and monitoring.

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The Rapid Deployment Kits can be shipped globally to facilities across the world, ensuring continuity of operations and immediate supply chain preservation. Apprentice is committed to supporting life science organizations fighting to end this global crisis. Please reach out to them directly here.


Tensorflight provides structured property data for the insurance industry by instantly analyzing aerial, satellite, and street view imagery using artificial intelligence. They can automatically assess a range of property attributes, such as building footprints, construction type, roof pitch and geometry, number of stories, and more. The company has designed and produced a solution that significantly improves the speed and accuracy of property assessment for real-time pricing and underwriting for commercial property insurance.

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Their technology can also help in times of crisis like our current situation with COVID-19. Using their tools allows for automated, unmanned inspections to reduce human infection risks. You can reach out to them at

Alcatraz AI

Alcatraz AI is automating security with artificial intelligence. Their tools replace badging as an access point identification method by leveraging facial recognition, 3D sensing, and artificial intelligence to enable highly secure and frictionless entry into physical locations. Real-time 3-D facial mapping avoids anyone using a photograph, video, or mask to spoof the system and confirms there is a real person that matches the stored facial image.

In a time when people are worried about touching contaminated surfaces, a badgeless system eliminates contact points that could transfer germs and disease. If your building may need such deployment, reach out to

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Hemi Ventures
Hemi Investment

‘Hemi’ (hēmi-) means ‘half’ in Greek. We serve as a complementary half to our founders. We partner with rebel founders to identify synergies around the globe an