How to use Maltego

Hengky Sanjaya
Hengky Sanjaya Blog
3 min readMay 11, 2020

This tutorial is 100% for Education Purpose only. Any time the word “Hacking” that is used on this site shall be regarded as Ethical Hacking. Do not attempt to violate the law with anything contained here. If you planned to use the content for illegal purposes, then please leave this site immediately! We will not be responsible for any illegal actions.

What is Maltego?

Maltego can be used for the information gathering phase of all security-related work. It will save you time and will allow you to work more accurately and smarter. Maltego aids you in your thinking process by visually demonstrating interconnected links between searched items.

What does Maltego do?

Maltego is a program that can be used to determine the relationships and real-world links between:

  • People
  • Groups of people (social networks)
  • Companies
  • Organizations
  • Web sites
  • Internet infrastructure such as:
  • Domains
  • DNS names
  • Netblocks
  • IP addresses
  • Phrases
  • Affiliations
  • Documents and files
  • These entities are linked using open source intelligence.
  • Maltego is easy and quick to install — it uses Java, so it runs on Windows, Mac and Linux.
  • Maltego provides you with a graphical interface that makes seeing these relationships instant and accurate — making it possible to see hidden connections.
  • Using the graphical user interface (GUI) you can see relationships easily — even if they are three or four degrees of separation away.
  • Maltego is unique because it uses a powerful, flexible framework that makes customizing possible. As such, Maltego can be adapted to your own, unique requirements.

Getting Started

In this tutorial, I use KaliLinux as the operating system.

To open Maltego, go to “01-Information Gathering”-> “Maltego”


The homepage will be shown like the picture below.

Go to Top-Left (3 dots in the circle) and click “New” button to create a new empty page.

Then you will see an empty white blank page.

In the right side, there is an Entity Palette that includes the Company, Domain, Person, Phone Number, etc.

Click, Drag and Drop the “Domain” Entity to the page.

Then enter the domain name.

Right-click and choose the “All Transform” button.

After the Transform process finished, you will see the result like this picture below.

You can see the detail of the specific domain, such as the detail of email, person, server, etc.

You can also use the other Entity such as Company, Person or Phone Number to gather more information.

Here below is the video tutorial that I made to help you use Maltego.

Thank you for reading. I hope this article can help you :)

