5 Reasons How HENNGE is Different.

Rika Dewi
Published in
4 min readMar 26, 2021

2020 definitely struck humanity as hard as it could, because a pandemic called COVID-19 suddenly cause havoc in both social and economic terms. Nevertheless, as time went by, one by one, humanity began to find COVID-19 as (for the lack of a better word), a blessing in disguise, and lately, I also found myself seeing COVID-19 as one too, especially because I got to experience an amazing remote internship program with HENNGE.

Even though this is not my first internship experience, there are still a few things that surprise me, that you definitely won’t find in any other company. So, let’s start!

#1 HENNGE Journal

Courtesy of RDS

HENNGE Journal is a blog created by the Relationship Development Section (RDS). Every time a newcomer joins HENNGE, they created a card like in the picture above to introduce the newcomer to everyone in the company. I never thought that I would get the chance to have my card because I was just a four-week intern, so I was quite surprised when they actually made a card for me. I always had the impression that for a company, an intern is someone who only temporarily comes to a company and will soon be forgotten. But ever since my first day in HENNGE, I never felt that way. When this card was posted, one of the GTM (Global Talent Marketing) members, Belle Wu, commented, “Our interns are the best.” Even though it looks like a simple sentence, but that one sentence really makes me accepted as a family in HENNGE.

#2 GTM

Interns x GTM Members

Once in a while, GTM (Global Talent Marketing) has a check-up meeting with GIP interns and asks for their feedback and experience. And there was a time when we said we were being overwhelmed by the number of meetings held in a day. And shortly after we gave that feedback, our meetings were reduced greatly in number. I was surprised that our feedback was immediately realized and we were actually being heard. More often, I feel like an intern’s opinions are considered lightweight, so it’s rare to see a company listened to its interns.

#3 GIP Lunch

GIP lunch is a virtual lunch between one intern and two HENNGE members. This virtual lunch is held regularly (usually three times a week) with one hour period. At first, I felt overwhelmed by this one-hour lunch with a group of people who I just met. But as time went by, I felt that the HENNGE members always try their best to make the intern feels comfortable. Later, I found out that all the HENNGE members join our GIP lunch voluntarily. They can choose to spend their precious one-hour lunch with their loved ones, or they can choose to spend it to have more “me time”, but instead of doing those, they chose to spend it with the interns.

Out of all the things that I experienced during my internship period, I miss GIP Lunch the most. I rarely feel connected personally to the company when I’m doing an internship program, but GIP Lunch created a bridge for me to connect personally to HENNGE. I learn a lot about the various perspective that comes from various background. Furthermore, I even have a new perspective about cats as art, had a real-time virtual tour in Japan, and many more!

#4 Board Game Night

Every Wednesday night, all the CPRD (Cloud Product Division) members are invited to a board game night. This event is open for the public, so even if you aren’t from HENNGE, you are welcomed to join board game night too. Out of my four-week internship period, I only joined one board game night, and that one night left a warm and fun memory in me. Amidst a fun atmosphere, I no longer see myself as an intern or see other HENNGE members as seniors. I can only see them as my friends, and see myself as their friend. This is my first time witnessing this kind of relationship during an internship, and I found this friendship kind of relationship only at HENNGE.

#5 Beer Bash

After MTS (Monthly Technical Session), all HENNGE members and interns are invited to a drinking party called beer bash. In this virtual drinking party, we raise our cup and “Kanpai!” After that, we talked and laughed for two hours nonstop. Actually, this is my first time joined a drinking party, and I learned that HENNGE is a company that values communication and this comes from HENNGE’s CEO, Ogura-san. I heard that before COVID-19, once in a while there’ll be an event that all company members are invited to join a party that provides a lot of free foods. But Ogura-san never said that these foods will be free, you must pay for the food with communication.

That’s all from me! So, don’t hesitate to join the GIP because a great adventure is waiting for you here! Thank you!

Rika Dewi is an Indonesian studying at Bandung Institute of Technology. Rika took part as one of the four interns of HENNGE Global Internship Program for the first batch of 2021 that was held remotely from January 18th–February 12th, 2021.

