Day 15 — Restarting the music life in Tokyo

Takashi Kasajima
Published in
3 min readDec 15, 2022
Photo by Yvette de Wit on Unsplash

Since the opening of the border, my favorite musicians have been coming to Japan one after another, and I’ve been waiting for this moment since the pandemic began. Amazingly, I was able to see my favorite musicians at a concert last month, this month, and next month as well. It feels like a Christmas present from Santa!

The stage before Jacob Collier’s performance begins.
The stage before Jacob Collier’s performance begins

Last month I was at Jacob Collier’s show. He is a singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and Grammy winner in ’20 and ‘21.
His performance was really awesome and energetic. He played the keyboard, piano, drums, guitar, and bass guitar during the show. I’ve never seen musicians performing like that. He was a multi-instrumentalist, for sure.

Me at Louis Cole’s concert
Me at Louis Cole’s concert

Then last week, I went to see a concert by Louis Cole. He is also a talented musician and multi-instrumentalist. He writes electro/jazz-funk music, and I was also really looking forward to seeing his live performance!
The show was amazing. I really enjoyed the show and danced a lot.
The audience, other than myself, also seemed to enjoy the performance very much, and it was one of the most exciting live shows I have experienced.

Finally, I have a live show by the band called Superorganism coming up next month, and I’m really looking forward to it.

It is truly wonderful to see concerts being held again and to be able to enjoy music!

My next goal in learning English

One thing that often happens when foreign musicians perform live in Japan is that audience doesn’t remember the lyrics and can’t sing along.

Recognizing and understanding lyrics is still too difficult for me. I couldn’t sing along in both two concerts I had, and being able to do this became my next goal in learning English.

And as I write this article, I’m also facing the difficulty of conveying my impressions of the live show with passion.

At HENNGE, I work in English as a member of the development team, and I feel my English skills are improving every day. I would like to learn more and head toward my new goal!

Finally, I’d like to share some of my favorite songs by the musicians introduced. Enjoy!



Takashi Kasajima
Writer for

Front end (React) developer born and raised in Tokyo, Japan. Started my career as a developer in 2019. Joined HENNGE in March 2021.