The Perfect Remote Internship Does Exist!

Nikhil Sharma
Published in
2 min readFeb 3, 2023


Hello there, readers! I’m Nikhil Sharma, a final-year BCA student from India. I’m passionate about programming and love building projects using different technologies. Aside from coding, I enjoy traveling, playing guitar, and watching anime.

Selection Process:

While I was looking for remote internship opportunities on LinkedIn, I came across the HENNGE GIP Programme. I read the description and felt the program seemed fascinating, so I applied immediately. There were three steps to the selection process:

  • Finish and submit coding challenge, resume, and cover letter
  • A phone screening interview with the ETA team
  • Final technical interview with HENNGE engineers

I got the results two weeks after finishing the technical interview and was overjoyed to learn that I had been selected.

Technical Assignment:

We had our PC setup session on the first day, and then we received instructions for the first assignment. The first assignment was to develop a full-stack application. While working on the project, I was able to learn a lot because my pull requests were reviewed by the mentors, who constantly provided guidance on best practices as well as resources to refer to. There were two progress meetings, one at the end of the second week and the other at the end of the third week, where we shared our progress and demonstrated the app to mentors.

The second task was to use terraform to deploy the app to AWS. I was new to Terraform at the time, but I learned a lot in a week.

The best part about this internship was that it wasn’t just about work. There were just as many, if not more, enjoyable activities like:

Fun Donut:

Fun-donut, where we were paired with HENNGE employees at random and had a great conversation with them about HENNGE, Japan, and so on. I attended three fun-donut and learned something new each time.

Fun Board Game Night:

Every Wednesday, we had fun board game night where we played many board games such as Codenames, Dixit etc. I joined three board game nights and had a fantastic time.


MTS is a monthly talk event at HENNGE where we give presentations on topics (both technical and non-technical) that we are passionate about. My MTS topic was “Service Mesh” where I shared how service meshes help in a microservice architecture.


The four weeks finished in the blink of an eye. I learned a lot from the amazing mentors who were always willing to help and answer all of my questions. I would strongly advise anyone in their pre-final or final year to take advantage of this internship opportunity, as you will gain valuable experience.

Nikhil Sharma, a student from Reva University, India, interned with the HENNGE Global Internship Program from March 14 to April 8, 2022.

