What We Need is Passion, Not Perfection

Yoshifumi Uchiyama
Published in
4 min readJan 23, 2019

Hi! everyone.

I’m Exzo, section manager in charge of Sales.
Today, I’d like to write my experience on studying abroad to learn English that has changed my life. It had a huge impact on my life!

Beginning comes always suddenly.

One day, I had got a chance to study abroad to learn English in Cebu thanks to my current company.

To be honest, This was my second time to go to another country, so everything seemed new to me. I was very nervous.

Many Japanese people have the idea that they must be perfect in English when speaking it. It is both a strength and a weakness for Japanese people to ask too much for perfection not only in English but for everything.
If you think that you must be “perfect” at speaking English, you will never be able to speak English. I also used to think this way but not anymore.
Thus, when we study English, what we need is passion and not perfection. When I spoke English there, I had many chances to speak English. Most of the time, I wasn’t sure if the message was correctly sent. In those cases, I had accompanied my words with gestures or drew pictures with a strong passion.
That’s why I learned that there is no need to speak perfect English through my experience of studying abroad to learn English. When I studied abroad in Cebu, I exposed myself to an English environment during the daytime. But after study, I went sightseeing.
It is fun to visit a new town which I’ve never been to, on the other hand, it is also draining. So I find ‘Grab which is close to ‘Uber’ a very convenient tool to use to enjoy sightseeing.

If you haven’t been there, I definitely recommend you. Because I really do think so everyone can make a friendship because they are kind and friendly. And it’s a beautiful city in the Philippines. All of the food was delicious.

This is my favorite cafe at IT Park in Cebu. This cafe had been brought me surprised and impressed.

I bought a coffee in this cafe for three days straight. The third day, cafe staff had remembered my order, my name and they spoke Japanese.

Thank you for the opportunity to be a part of such an amazing experience.

This blog is the #17 of the twenty-five blogs that we are publishing daily, one blog each day from Jan 7th until 31st — written by twenty-five of our members, sharing topics regarding “Change” — to celebrate the official change of our new company name, from HDE to HENNGE on Feb 1st.

For more information about the change in our company name: https://www.hde.co.jp/en/about-us/trade-name-changed.html

