FVS 40: Why You Are Not Stronger Than Your Environment

Henry Mascot
Henry IfeanyiChukwu Mascot
4 min readJun 11, 2019

Here is your weekly For Value Sake, contributing value to your growth.

A weekly post, it contains a few articles, a book recommendation and a TED talk.

These are the most impressionable resources I consumed during the week, and share them so you can reap some value as I did.

A Quote Worth Thinking About

“Look toward the true good, and rejoice only in that which comes from your own store. And what do I mean by “from your own store”? I mean from your very self, that which is the best part of you.” — Letters to Lucilius

+ Read past editions of For Value Sake: 39, 38 and All,


personal development

I. Philosophy of Consciousness: Why You Are Not Stronger Than Your Environment

+” A lot of us overestimate our psychological independence”

+ “If I ‘needed’ some configuration of external circumstances to feel good, that meant I failed in changing my baseline.”

+ “Environments have different characteristics, and the I’ll-find-my-niche-everywhere thought neglects the fact that some areas have a better ‘fit’ with my personality than others.”

+ “Environment is the invisible hand that shapes human behavior. — James Clear”

+ “… independence is a myth”

+ “Environment determines unconsciousness…”

+ “Your subconscious determines 95% of your behavior”

+ “… the easiest way to change your perspective is to change your environment. Yet, we hardly recognize this as a relevant variable when we make our life decisions.”

I shared a video this morning with some friends that had a powerful message :
“You are the sum of your training”.

I would say the same for our environment.

We are the sum of our environment.
You can interpret the environment how you want.

God created environments first before the creatures that lived in them.

He had Abraham leave his environment before the development that lead to his crowning.

Audit your environment.

Read Now (Open InCognito/Browser PrivateMode)

Photo by Sikai Gu on Unsplash

wealth development

II. The Psychology of Money

+”…investing is not the study of finance. It’s the study of how people behave with money”

+ “And behaviour is hard to teach, even to really smart people”

+ “The paradox of wealth is that people tend to want it to signal to others that they should be liked and admired.”

A long but deep and intellectual read.
Some people want to be wealthy, some don’t.
This piece distils a few behaviours about money.
A must-read for anyone who wants to understand money and the game of it deeply.
To rule a thing we have to understand the underlining foundations that make it.

Read Now

relationship dev.

III. Why You Will Marry the Wrong Person

+ “In a wiser, more self-aware society than our own, a standard question on any early dinner date would be: “And how are you crazy?”

+ “One of the privileges of being on our own is, therefore, the sincere impression that we are really quite easy to live with.”

+ “We need to swap the Romantic view for a tragic (and at points comedic) awareness that every human will frustrate, anger, annoy, madden and disappoint us — and we will (without any malice) do the same to them”

: )
Lemme let you enjoy this one.
Not endorsing it though.
Just think about it.
Alaine is my man.

Read Now


IV. The Secret Power of Igbo’s (Igbocorp Inc)

+ “Many of these traders do not have a university education, they just have a unique understanding of the mechanics of business fostered by a strong entrepreneurial culture.”

+ “A frugal entrepreneur is a smart entrepreneur”

+ “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
-Calvin Coolidge”

We all know how Igbo entrepreneurs are everywhere in the world making money.
Ola shares a few thoughts on the ideology that leads them to eventual success.

Read Now


+ There’s more to life than being happy | Emily Esfahani Smith

TLDR; Be happy chasing meaning.

Watch Now


+ Algorithms to Live By: The Computer Science of Human Decisions — Brian Christian, Tom Griffiths

All our lives are constrained by limited space and time, limits that give rise to a particular set of problems.

What should we do, or leave undone, in a day or a lifetime?
How much messiness should we accept?
What balance of new activities and familiar favourites is the most fulfilling?

We are not the only ones that have these problems, computers do too.

Can we apply computer science algorithms to help us make better decisions?

Sure we can, Brain and Tom shares how.

Get a copy of all the books I’ve read and shared on FVS here.

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Enjoy the rest of your week!

