A note to Generation Z

Vijay Veera
Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2018

Truth be told, I was never too nervous about investor presentations, client meetings or addressing a group of CXOs in several high profile events. But, on the morning of July 20th, I was going to represent Heptagon to its future. There was definitely some kind of restlessness in me. I was off to a campus placement to hire young talent and we were pitting against big guns of the software industry. Below is note that was a part of my presentation to 200 members of Generation Z.

Image result for generation z

It’s always great to see such young talent on a Thursday morning. These guys were gifted. Gifted, to be at their prime when revolutionary technologies like Blockchain will go mainstream. Gifted, to be at their most potent right at the cusp when India is about to take off into a totally different and exponential trajectory towards greatness. Not Gen X, but it’s going to be the Gen Z who are going to alleviate India from her suffering. My generation — “The Millennials” will just be their guiding light, we’ve made the platform for them to launch and propel towards greatness.

But these 200 members were still in college. They haven’t seen the real world yet. So, I gave them just one piece of advice, since I’ve been out there longer than them. So, here comes the gyaan,

“Life out there — Extreme, Enticing and Exhilarating

When stuff gets a bit too extreme, remember just this one thing,

Will is always greater than skill.

How? e.g.: Croatia — they were a competitor who had zero chances of making it to the FIFA world cup finals, yet they did. They were the underdogs. You may think that yeah but they didn’t win the world cup. Yeah sure, but they played like lions and won a million hearts across the globe. They had the iron will to take their team to a level where they’ve not been before.

Sometimes, pouring your heart out into something that you love is more important than anything else. And one such thing that has made me stand tall today, is Heptagon.

Heptagon is not Google or CTS or Wipro, no…not yet! Heptagon is the underdog that plays from it’s heart, with passion and dedication. And, it expects all its team members to be just like it. It doesn’t matter if you are not the topper of your class or you have papers to clear or even if you lack some soft skills. As long as you have the will to prove yourself, to fight from your heart, you have the chance to be a part of the fastest growing Digital Transformation company in India!”

And, so I introduced Heptagon to its future. I’m really enthralled and looking forward to have these young talent onboard and let them grow along with Heptagon, which will be nothing short of exponential.

In fact, just like life, It’s after all going to be Extreme, Enticing and Exhilarating! Welcome aboard “Z”!



Vijay Veera

Family guy + Entrepreneur. Lives on expresso shots of perseverance.