Women’s day — What a Farce!

Akshatha S Acharya
Published in
4 min readMar 9, 2018

This post is coming from someone who does not believe in Women’s day, Mother’s day, Valentine’s day or any such days. My point is very simple; why do we need one special day to show the world what we feel. If I want to thank the women in my life, I would rather do it everyday with my actions than with few words on one single day in the entire year. It’s just my view that there is no necessity for a special day to celebrate it.

Really? What about the Present?!

I am proud and blessed to be born a female, which is termed as the weaker sex by this society. There has not been a single moment when I regretted being a woman.However, as a society we are not yet there, we got grounds to cover. Some of us are still fighting for our basic rights. I personally don’t ask for equality but please don’t look down upon me. Preset rules on how we as women should behave, what should we wear, what career should we take, everything should go back to the place that they came from: which is the past.We should feel blessed to be born in this generation where career options for women are plenty. It’s high time these gender stereotypes be broken.

We had Women’s day celebrations in my office today and something different was planned by the management. They wanted us, the women employees, to take the stage and speak to the men. Each of us came up with many unique moments from our lives, the struggles that we have faced and most importantly how “proud” we are to be women. It turned out to be an emotional moment for everyone present for the event. It made the men understand what women go through in day-to-day life. The support that the company is showing towards the women employees is truly immense. One of our co-founders hoped to see more women leaders in the company soon.

That is when I started to think why only few women are in the top management especially in tech industry. I started to realize that most of the women tame their ambitions for their families. It is becomes difficult for women to juggle both family and work (especially when you are a mother). Women have to make the tough decision between the professional career and personal happiness. Women have been the driving force in every single house from ages but it is only in the recent times women have started to step out to join the corporate world.

The count of women in top leadership roles is very low. The problem is not that there aren’t women of capable skills, it is the lack of efforts from the corporate companies to nurture and train women for the leadership roles. Culture has to be adapted in such a way that long term goals should be created and continuous effort is put towards achieving them. Organizations should help women by giving them right opportunities to grow and learn. With the right kind of support and motivation from family and workplace; the glass ceiling can be broken and number of women in leadership roles would increase gradually in the near future.

Few things that I want the women out there to understand:

. We should give wings to our ambitions. They are meant to be achieved.
. ‎We must not curtail ourselves to anything. It is completely fine to fail in our attempts to achieve our dreams than failing to dream itself.
. ‎We must surround ourselves with people who would motivate us to reach goals. If there are people who demotivate us, we do know to ignore, don’t we?
. Come out of the cocoon and explore the world.
. Life is never going to be easy. We can not succeed if we do not take risks.
. ‎Don’t care about what the society would think, people would always have something or the other to say.
. ‎Lastly, be proud to be the blessing that you are.

So people, let us learn to encourage and respect women every other day and not just on March 8.

