She will code.

Coding is for men who were born mathematicians and whose first spoken language was C++. Who said she can code?

Laura Kirby
Her Adventures of Learning to Code
1 min readNov 4, 2014


I was 24 when I first realized, coding is awesome. I can thank my Cal Poly professor Dr. Jane Lehr. She received her doctorates in Women and Technology Studies. Dr. Lehr was my advisor, according to her, my senior project, “Learning to Use and Teach Robotics for Social Justice in STEM,” was closer to a doctorate’s dissertation than a bachelor degree’s final project. I am passionate and dedicated individual.

I was 26 when it hit me, I can code! And now, from a determined, passionate, motivated, and ethnic studies perspective, I will begin sharing with you my journey of learning to code.

Originally published at

