“I feel like sh*t, so everyone else should too!”.

When Passive-Aggressive People need you to join them in their Misery.

TRP by Sierra
her annotations archive
2 min readApr 3, 2022


Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

When a passive-aggressive person is unhappy, or in a generally bad mood they give in to their innate habit of making others responsible for their state of being.

These people will blame others for it, yet they won’t explain why it is that they are upset, nor how you could help them feel better.

You sense they are upset and that they are in a terrible mood yet when you ask them “What’s wrong”, they’ll tell you they’re fine. They objectively aren’t and continue to remain passive-aggressive.

It makes you feel like it’s your fault in some cases and thus, you feel sh*tty, insecure, and concerned; rethinking all of your actions and expressing concern for someone who enjoys making people feel sh*tty.

In this case, I would recommend only asking what’s wrong once, and if they say they’re okay, then believe them.

We aren’t psychologists, psychics, or human whisperers, we can’t know what someone means to say upon very little information or none expressed at that.

And if you know this person acts like this often, I wouldn’t bother asking them at all. The whole purpose of their behavior is so that you can feel responsible for their sh*tty mood.

So, if you don’t engage or don’t bother asking more than once, they don’t get the satisfaction of making someone feel bad for no good reason.

Pretend you don’t haven’t even registered that they are in a “bad mood” and continue your day as if nothing happened. This way, you do not have to immerse yourself in this energy any further.

They’ll mope and they’ll project terrible energy toward everyone in their surroundings but the truth of the matter is that they are allowed to feel like sh*t if they want to.

They’ve chosen to not talk about it, and they’ve chosen to be upset about whatever it is that they refuse to talk about.

It is not your responsibility, especially if this person is someone who mistreated you or is already extremely passive-aggressive towards you and the people you know and love.

It is not your damn problem~ lol.

