Why Are You Distressed By The Queen’s Passing?

Here’s why I simply do not care about the passing of another shameless beneficiary of colonialism!

Arthur Storm
3 min readSep 11, 2022
Photo by Tomas Martinez on Unsplash
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

I along with many people intelligent enough to have some sort of awareness can boldly and confidently say that the death of the queen has had zero impact on my quality of life. In fact, I’d go as far as to say I couldn’t care less and am slightly pleased with the news; for her involvement in the suffering of millions dare I say billions of people’s lives will likely never receive nor acquire justice.

Must we revisit her questionable yet thoroughly documented past which many white people, in particular, seem to sweep under the rug as their beloved “queen” (who is undeserving of said title) passes away?

Some useful readings for you to gain/understand this perspective:

Photo by Mathew Browne on Unsplash

While she’s lived a comfortable life without consequence for issues of which she had all of the power to soothe or dismantle, she chose to sit pretty.

And we should be even wearier as her son comes into power… As if this is something the UK needs. I mean they have a full blow war not too far away from their country, which has resulted in a flood of immigrants fleeing in fear of what bombs or bullets might meet their homes, and now they’re going to deal with that complacent white woman’s (less than admired by the peoples) spawn?

And yes, I continue to highlight her whiteness, something that cannot be ignored. When someone has as much power as a white woman or man as a king or queen would have, you would think they would do their best to create a society that flourishes and protects its people.

While many white men and women throughout history have used their unrightful privileges for good, one of the most powerful of them all, simply felt it was… “not her problem”.

As if Europeans have not stolen, stripped, and destroyed the natural developments of POC (people of color) across the globe for their greedy ventures, she could not be so much as bothered to atone for this in terms of whom she supported or remained complacent to.

That is my problem with your “Queen”. The enigma which you loved was only silent because she remained in agreement with the greatest enemies of mankind: greed and ignorance which it has been fueled by.

I would never/have never wished this upon her, nor do I intend to mourn her passing… and neither should you. This is not a person who is deserving of respect and I refuse to consider otherwise. You cannot humanize someone based on how many dogs or subtleties of which result in basic human rights they’ve allowed for; her permissive sins outweigh her outrageously minor donations of decency.

