Her body, her choice, our mission

What Ghanaian women taught me about courage and commitment to a cause

Kim Woodward
Her Future
3 min readApr 4, 2018


Earlier this year, I joined MSI-US as the Director of Individual Philanthropy. As a mother who planned my pregnancies with the help of birth control, I was able to build a career before starting my family. I passionately want my three daughters — and women everywhere — to enjoy the same opportunity. This desire drew me to MSI, where the mission, the people and the chance to make a real difference in the world intersect in a deeply meaningful way.

Staff from MSI Ghana greet me at the entrance to one of our centers

In February, I spent a week traveling through Ghana, seeing MSI’s work. The trip covered a lot of ground — from the capital, Accra, in the south to the most rural areas of the country in the north. Everywhere we went, I was struck by the need for MSI’s services. I met women who had walked more than 6 miles one way in the hot sun, many carrying an infant on their backs, to learn about family planning and pick a method of contraception. At each stop, our clients generously allowed me to sit with them during their family planning counseling sessions and abortion consultations.

It was inspiring to see the commitment of our staff and volunteers, the quality of their work, and the positive impact they have on our clients’ lives. In our conversations, I asked about their personal motivations and what they find most rewarding about their work. Their stories are all deeply moving. One was particularly heartbreaking and touching.

Muniratu, affectionately known as Muni, lost a sister to unsafe abortion when both girls were teenagers. Keeping the pregnancy a secret, her sister obtained a counterfeit drug. She took this on the way to school, where she fell ill and was rushed to the hospital. Her sister died before Muni could get to the hospital and say goodbye. Muni graduated from high school and went on to become a midwife, eventually joining the MSI team in Ghana. Now, with the family planning services she provides to MSI clients, she’s often reminded of her sister and the fact that things could have been different.

Kim with Marie Stopes Ghana provider Muniratu

Now, with the family planning services she provides to MSI clients, she’s often reminded of her sister and the fact that things could have been different.

Muni’s sister didn’t have the resources she needed to take control of her future, but thanks to Muni’s courage and commitment, thousands of women and girls like her will. Their bodies and choices will be just that — theirs.

My experiences in Ghana repeatedly illustrated the great need and desire for family planning and safe abortions. They also showed me the strong commitment and high caliber of MSI’s staff.

I am so excited to be at MSI-US and to work with our supporters. You give women the power to choose when they have children and help make their dreams a reality!



Kim Woodward
Her Future

Sharing my thoughts on reproductive choice as Director of Individual Philanthropy at MSI-US