How to fight abortion stigma

MSI United States
Her Future
Published in
2 min readNov 6, 2019

Abortion is more common than you think —1 in 4 pregnancies end in abortion globally. Thousands of women get abortions every day, yet stigma silences them — the fear of judgement that comes with getting an abortion makes women feel like they need to keep their experience a secret.

We’re tired of women being judged for exercising control over their bodies and futures. We want to tackle the culture of silence that persists around abortion by encouraging pro-choice people like you to raise your voice in support of every woman’s right to choose.

Here’s a guide on how to break the wall of silence and fight abortion stigma in your everyday life:

1. Talk about abortion and support those who speak out.

One of the biggest reasons abortion stigma persists is the pressure on women to remain silent. By challenging this culture of secrecy and sharing personal stories we can empower women and make talking about abortion normal.

2. Challenge your own misconceptions

By learning the facts about abortion as well as the myths pushed by the anti-choice movement, you can help shake archaic and outdated views on abortion, and feel confident in challenging them.

3. Challenge stigmatizing views

It can sometimes be hard to speak out against stigmatizing views, but if you hear a conversation or a rude remark being made about abortion, don’t be afraid to step in. By intervening and speaking up in support of abortion, you can help stop the myths, shame and stigma while supporting any individual present who might feel targeted by the remark.

4. Be conscious of your language

Language matters, and sometimes prejudice and fears surrounding abortion are unknowingly expressed in the language you use. By communicating with a little more consideration, we can all help to stop language that stigmatizes abortion.

5. Use social media to amplify our movement

Social media gives us the ability to instantaneously share our thoughts. Don’t be afraid to go public with your pro-choice story! It will inspire others to do the same.

Everyone’s abortion experience is unique, and many of us have different stories of how and when our pro-choice views solidified. Together, we can create an environment where every woman and pregnant person feels safe in their choice, without fear of judgement or discrimination.



MSI United States
Her Future

We are part of a global organization working in 37 countries, unified by our unwavering commitment to help every woman have children by choice, not chance.