The Gag Rule won’t stop us

MSI United States
Her Future
Published in
2 min readOct 4, 2019

You probably know that the reinstatement of the Global Gag Rule is a big setback for reproductive rights worldwide. But there’s a silver lining: Trump’s war on women created a global rallying cry for choice. The worldwide reproductive rights movement is stronger than ever. Here’s proof that reproductive justice advocates around the world aren’t giving up.

We provide access to contraception and safe abortion in 37 countries. Here are some recent successes in a few of those countries.


Last week, the state of Oaxaca decriminalized abortion, allowing women to receive abortions up to 12 weeks into pregnancy. Oaxaca is the second jurisdiction in Mexico to decriminalize abortion, following Mexico City, which legalized abortion in 2007.

Rufina Lopez, a traditional midwife, was trained by MSI to provide safe reproductive health services in her community.

This is especially important because Oaxaca is the second-poorest state in Mexico. Thanks to this legislation, women who would otherwise have no access to safe abortion will be able to control their bodies, lives and futures.

Momentum to decriminalize abortion across the country has been building. The supreme court recently upheld the right to get an abortion in the case of rape. Nationwide, public hospitals must provide safe abortion services to these cases; women don’t need to a file criminal complaint to receive care, and minors do not need permission from their parents. It’s an important step towards making sure more women can get the care they’re legally entitled to — and we’re keeping up the fight to expand access even further.


Pro-choice protesters in New South Wales. Courtesy of ABC News.

New South Wales, the most populous state in Australia, also decriminalized abortion last week, increasing access to safe services without the fear of prosecution. We’re excited to see the 119-year-old law criminalizing abortion finally taken off the books!

The newly passed legislation removes abortion from the Crimes Act and defines it as a medical procedure. It also allows women to get an abortion up to 22 weeks into their pregnancies and after 22 weeks with the consent of two doctors. The law mandates that any doctor that objects to providing an abortion must refer the client to a medical practitioner who will. Now, women will be able to make their own choices without being criminalized.

The Trump Administration’s restrictive policies have emboldened opponents of women’s choice and rights — but we’re not backing down. We’re working to remove restrictions in countries around the world, and we’re celebrating with Mexico and Australia.



MSI United States
Her Future

We are part of a global organization working in 37 countries, unified by our unwavering commitment to help every woman have children by choice, not chance.