Her Hoop Stats Podcast #11 — Cynt Marshall

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John Liddle
Her Hoop Stats
2 min readJul 24, 2019


Confession: Cynt Marshall isn’t neccesarily a women’s basketball figure. BUT, she is a woman, and she is in basketball.

The Dallas Mavericks CEO was recently named one of the 30 Most Powerful Women in Sports by Adweek ($). She was brought in last year by Mark Cuban to turn around a culture that had become extremly toxic for women. By all accounts, Marshall is well on her way to turning around the Mavericks.

The vibrant soon-to-be 60 year old connects personally with anyone she comes in contact with. She loves life, she loves people, and she’s making an impact.

On Satuday, July 20, Marshall spoke at the Dallas Wings Inspiring Women Night. We got Cynt’s permission to use her chat for our program, and we couldn’t be more thankful. We know that you’ll be inspired and moved by one of the most infectous personalities in sports leadership.

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