Believing on the Right Time

Jane Castillo
Her Marching Ants
Published in
3 min readDec 29, 2015


by Jane Castillo

Humans do always have humongous dreams and plans in their lives. “I want to start a business!” “I want to enroll for Master’s Degree!” ”I want to serve God!” Do you know what are the most common answers when the opportunity knocks in their doors?

“I’m not yet ready.”

“I still need to be prepared for it.”

“I’m busy, maybe some other time.

“It’s not the perfect time.”

Oh com’on! If not now, WHEN? If you want to have a business then start learning how to create and manage a business. You want to enroll in Masters? Then start researching about it. You want to serve God? Then approach someone in the ministry and tell him. You’re only a few steps away with your dreams.

The problem is you always wait for the right time. I’ll tell you then, THERE IS NO RIGHT TIME. You’ll never be ready for it unless you started trying.

Imagine a baby, if only he could decide at his own at the very young age. What if that baby dreamed to learn how to walk. Could you imagine what will happen if he is going to wait for the right time? Could you imagine what will happen if he’s going to say “I’m not yet ready to walk maybe when the right time comes.”? Eight months later, a year later, worst thing three years later, do you know how frustrating it feels waiting? People are like that. We are like that.

Now that’s the reason why I’m returning back as a blogger. It’s been years already wherein I abandoned my fashion blog and left the collaborations I have that time HANGING. I always say I’m going to blog again but I always hear myself saying excuses as well. Well let’s just say there were a lot of awakening moments I bumped into this 2015 which I’m going to share to you as time goes by. Now I’m no longer handling a fashion blog. I decided to have a new one that will talk about life and my journey. I call this “Her Marching Ants” (HMA) through Medium.

HMA aims to inspire people and to motivate those who are still looking for their purpose. Through this blog as well, let’s grow together and share different experiences, struggles, dreams, and success in life. This was been planned a year ago. Yet it took me in a longer wait believing that “TIME WILL COME I’M GOING TO BE PREPARED” - prepared to write and publish blog posts again. Right now, I’m still unprepared, unsure and uneasy. But I realized there will always be no perfect time for me to say “I’m ready”.

Now, will I survive to have this active?

Well, how are we going to answer our worries and questions if we haven’t tried yet? Most of the time we are concluding our plans. We do our own hypothesis then as if those dreams aren’t going elsewhere or it will not survive without even doing any move. Fear and doubt kills a lot of things, remember that.

Just trust yourself my friend and give it a shot!

“There is no other right time but NOW.”

Happy Holidays,

