Is Virtual Reality in Part Actual Reality: Striking Vipers

Monet Victoria
Her Outlette
Published in
2 min readJun 11, 2019

I recently watched the latest installment of the Netflix series Black Mirror. I love this show because it reminds me so much of The Twilight Zone. It challenges societal norms and provides an underlying moral or warning about society.

The first episode has literally left an effect on me for the last 4 days. Whenever there’s a moment of free thought the episode creeps it’s way back into my thoughts.

This episode challenges our cookie cutter ideas around sexual orientation. We normally assume that if a man has sexual desires towards another man then he is automatically gay. Right? But wait no? This is especially taboo in the black community because well historically “we don’t play that.”

This black mirror episode plot has a very unique technology centered twist. Virtual sex between a male and female avatar being controlled by 2 black men. Pause. Break.

As a preachers kid that grew up in a conservative household this blew my mind. Like how do I rationalize this and what bucket can I put this into. I grew up in an environment where labels are regular part of life.

I’ve definitely grown as a person and become extremely more welcoming working in New York City. I’ve made a conscious effort to stop labeling people but I welcome content like this. A nice temperature check/refresher is a great reminder to not people in boxes. I’ve realized the older I get if someone is gay, straight or indifferent it has no baring on me and it’s none of my business.

The second part of the episode that I really struggled with was the couples decision to have an open relationship at the end. Isn’t the point of marriage to be with your one true love forever and ever? Have we really gotten to a point in society where we just have to indulge in all of our lust and passions. Where do we draw the line? I know it’s a personal decision but to me it honestly makes no sense. Just be a lone wolf. I think this where the moral comes in about society. We live in such indulgence and sometimes it can be to our detriment.

The story ends beautifully with a relationship that all participants are comfortable with. That’s really all that matters right? Individuals happiness and choice on how they live. Your time on this earth is yours to do as you please and this episode gave me good reminder that it’s none of my business.

