Her Outlette
Published in
2 min readMay 23, 2019


Millennials are so obsessed with Disney movies

Why are 26–34 years olds more obsessed with Disney movie remakes than the average toddler? For instance, millennials are gawking over the new live action movie “Aladdin” hitting theatre this Thursday. Even Beyoncé made sure to find her way into the live action Lion King. They have even warned parents “this is not for your kids, these movies are for 80’s and 90’s babies wait your turn”. WHOA! Why is this trend even necessary ?

My theory is that we as a race live in a past nostalgic mindset. We remember the great times of cartoons and sleep overs. The times of no cells phones or instagrams, we remember and lust for a time of enjoying our favorite Disney cartoon without a care in the world. We miss our childhood way more than we are willing to accept.

As a generation we aren’t quit settled down yet, we don’t have kids for the most part yet, and we are having the deal the responsibilities of adulthood head on without a “partner” to burry the burden with. Think bills VS vacation.; the anxiety that gives me is unmatched. Disney has found a way to repel that anxiety and take us back to our childhood beings. The question is will these live action movie satisfy our urge to be nostalgic just one more time? To watch the movie once more and have that feeling of adventure seep into our pores again? Or will we battle with confusion afterwards in where we were vs where we are in our current states.

Going into this summer of childhood movies turning to live action, I have some advice.

  1. We should remember to remain present and enjoy the movie for what it is, as oppose to what our expectations are.
  2. We are not recreating our childhoods rather we are enjoying adulthood and everything it has to offer.
  3. Most importantly, everything is beautiful, everything is entertaining, and everything deserves an applause.

Enjoy this week!!! Who is going to see Aladdin ???


