Pink Stone: A Social Club That’s on a Higher Level

Kellé Whitney
Her Outlette
Published in
3 min readApr 21, 2019
Source: Pink Stone

Ah yes, it’s 4/20! A day many would dub as the stoner holiday, but that frame of thinking is quickly becoming a thing of the past. As more states approve cannabis use (10 states plus D.C.), marijuana has become big business and one of the fastest growing industries in America.

Source: Most Expensivest, Viceland

In 2018, the U.S. legal cannabis industry grew $10.4 billion in revenue and is projected to hit $23 billion by 2022. It’s literally a gold mine! Entirely new markets that serve a broad base of consumers have risen nationwide as a result of increasing acceptance of marijuana use.

Source: Pink Stone

Enter: Pink Stone — a high-end cannabis social club created in D.C. Founded in 2017 by two discerning cannabis connoisseurs( Naseya and Kimee), Pink Stone curates cannabis social experiences. Combining entertainment and public health, they strive to produce a safe spaces for women to connect on a higher level over a dope social experience.

Breaking barriers is definitely something Pink Stone is doing in the industry. No one can ignore the elephant in the room when it comes to minorities and the cannabis industry. According to the ACLU, American’s use and sell marijuana at roughly the same rate regardless of race, yet a Black person is almost four times more likely than a white person to be arrested for marijuana possession. Even two years after decriminalization, a Black person is 11 times more likely than a white person to be arrested for public use of marijuana. According to a survey by Marijuana Business Daily, of marijuana businesses owners and founders 4.3 percent are Black and 5.7 percent are Latinx, compared to 81 percent of Whites. Women, however, hold almost 27 percent of executive positions compared to only making up 15 percent in other industries.

Source: Pink Stone — Naseya (left), Kimee (right)

Since its inception, Pink Stone has hosted more than 20 events including:

To bring in 4/20, I caught up with Pink Stone this past Friday at their Pajama Jammie Jam, ELEVATED midnight brunch and asked them a few questions.

What sets Pink Stone apart from other marijuana hubs/platforms?

Kimee: From a content perspective, we’re all original! From what I’ve seen a lot of content outlets usually just post images circulating the net. One of my favorite segments that we produce are the canna reviews. Women are constantly in our DMs asking for recommendations, further product insight, “connections”, etc. That’s the kinda stuff we live for! That we’re trusted and admired in our community. You can’t buy that type of genuine connectivity!

Who is your biggest female influence in cannabis?

Kimee: To put it simple, we’re rooting for everybody black!

All of the women of color in cannabis are our biggest influences. Every time I see one of us — even if it’s the same ones over and over — I get excited and motivated to keep going. This is really OUR season!

Where do you see Pink Stone in the future?

We want to do bigger events for bigger budgets as well as become a hub for content and information. Women actually come to us. Anytime we do a Q&A women are on it, they’re responding to our polls, anytime we do newsletters they’re clicking through and reading the information. They really look at us as a guide and we want to continue to be that.

Pink Stone promotes safe adult dosing and consumption of cannabis and are advocates for the legalization of both medicinal and recreational use. You can learn more about Pink Stone and events at



Kellé Whitney
Her Outlette

DC comms girl that was in search of an outlet for expression. I found just that @HerOutlette Catch me there to learn more!