I Dated a Closeted Gay Man

The experience changed me forever

This Woman
her perspective


Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

How we met

He was cute though not quite handsome. Polite but not exactly well-polished. Smart but not necessarily intelligent. He had a friendly but determined demeanor; his glasses flowed nicely with his smile, balancing his “nerd” appearance and youthful looks.

Roderick — a translation of his actual name, close enough to ensure his privacy while allowing me the morphological analysis — was not mighty but dreamed of being. He did not rule, although he tried to be a leader. He was not admired but connected well with people who inspired him. I seemed to be one of those: a muse.

His insecurity was apparent when rather than flirting with me, he stared at me when he thought I could not notice. He smiled at me with his eyes. We bumped into each other way too frequently — I am sure he planned our “unexpected” encounters. He confided in a friend about having a crush on me. That friend hinted to me about his interest. I decided to make it easy for him to make a move by sticking around a little longer when we were in the same place at the same time and even inviting him to my parties.

I was not interested in him romantically as much as I was intrigued by his platonic ways. It never occurred to me that one’s sexuality could be an obstacle to…



This Woman
her perspective

Mother, writer, busy woman. The only thing that matters about my childhood is that I survived.