Biz Her Way Series: Meet Health and Fitness Coach Kimberly L. Robinson

Sacha Walton
Her Way Series
Published in
4 min readOct 10, 2023


By Sacha Walton, Business Strategist and CEO of SWI Management Group

It’s Women’s Business Month, and I’m excited to take the opportunity to celebrate stories of everyday businesswomen making an impact in their communities.

According to the Small Business Association (SBA), “over 13 million women own businesses in the US.” Women are taking their place in society and scaling businesses with ideas, talents, passions, and skillsets while staying focused on legacy building. As a part of my efforts to honor this year’s Women’s Business, I’m celebrating by dedicating this month to elevating the voices and stories of inspiring women entrepreneurs.

Let’s lift up and applaud all the amazing, talented, and diverse women around the world who are making their voices heard.

Recently, I had a wonderful interview with the business owner, Kimberly L. Robinson, Founder of My Wellness Matters.

Kimberly L. Robinson, Health and Fitness Coach, Founder of My Wellness Matters

Thank you for having this interview with me. I’m excited about sharing your story in our Biz Her Way Series for Women’s Business Month. Our readers would love to learn more about you. Please tell us who you are and a little something about yourself.

Hello, my name is Kim Robinson. I am a Holistic Health Coach and Personal Trainer. I focus on those who struggle to exercise or may have put it off after many years. My programs help those who are short on time and may have injuries that prevent them from consistently exercising.

The type of clients I serve are first responders, single mompreneurs, and those over the age of 40. Promoting fitness and energy can significantly improve everyone’s physical and mental health, allowing everyone to continue their important work and maintain a balanced life.

Everyone has a story behind the beginning of their business. Why did you start your business, write your book, be a creative, or speaker?

I was having issues with my mobility which led to prayer and physical therapy. I realized that I stopped exercising due to the feeling that I didn’t have the time to do so. Once I thought about everything, I truly believe that God gave me the simple insight to start exercising again and also change some of my eating and drinking habits. Once my pain was relieved, I decided that it would be good to see if I could help others who may have a situation that is keeping them from including fitness into their schedule but with accountability which is the quickest way to get lasting results.

Which quotes or affirmations inspire you?

The greatest gift you can give your family and yourself is great health…taking good care of yourself. The first wealth is health…Ralph Waldo Emerson

Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted — Denis Waitley

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil. 4:13

How are you making an impact with your business or project?

I help my clients see that they get to have what they desire in their fitness journey and how to make their dreams, desires, and goals come true.

Photo by Morgan Petroski on Unsplash

If you saw a woman struggling in business, what advice would you share with them?

I would ask her if she would consider getting a coach to support her. Having a coach is essential to one’s journey. It helps you to accomplish your goals a lot faster.

We celebrate Women’s Business Month every year. How could you make a difference in the lives of other women entrepreneurs?

I am passionate about helping women know that they can achieve what they believe by changing negative beliefs to positive ones. Once the mindset shifts into thinking more positively, the beauty of their journey unfolds more.

Provide words of wisdom in 2 -5 sentences for another woman.

Remember that living a healthy, balanced life, can lead to greater success in your business endeavors. It’s a journey, so be patient with yourself and make self-care a lifelong commitment. Do not ever give up on your fitness lifestyle. Get a great coach that will make a difference in your journey to great health.

What’s next for you?

I want to host group training to help more women at one time. There’s power in numbers and in a group setting women are able to encourage each other. I love offering value in my training sessions and will host more free group health coaching classes again.

Follow Kimberly L. Robison: Instagram and Facebook

Sacha Walton, business strategist and owner of SWI Management Group helps entrepreneurs level up their businesses with strategic planning, marketing, and branding, which drive business growth and visibility. Biz Her Way is an annual series for Women’s Business Month and if you would like to be featured this month, email us at



Sacha Walton
Her Way Series

Sacha Walton is a Business Strategist, Professional Speaker, and CEO of SWI Management Group