Biz Her Way Series: Meet Jestina “Peepdalocx” Boone a Loctician’s Entrepreneurial Journey

Sacha Walton
Her Way Series
Published in
6 min readAug 8, 2024


Jestine “Peepdalocx” Boone

By: Sacha Walton, Business Strategist and CEO of SWI Management Group

Hi, I’m Sacha Walton, founder and editor of Biz Her Way. My mission is to celebrate women business owners and entrepreneurs who are disrupting their industries, trailblazing the norm, and impacting change within their communities.

Women are making an impact worldwide in business ownership. Whether they are Entrepreneurs, Mompreneurs, Authors, Speakers, Creatives, or Intrapreneurs as C-suite employees; they are playing by their own rules and creating their narratives.

According to the Small Business Association (SBA), “over 13 million women own businesses in the US.” Women are taking their place in society and scaling businesses with ideas, talents, passions, and skillsets while staying focused on legacy building.

My heart desires to see women win and I’m excited about sharing the amazing stories of these phenomenal women.

Let’s lift up and applaud all the amazing, talented, inspirational, and diverse women worldwide who are making their voices heard.

Recently, I had a wonderful interview with Jestina Boone, One of Biz Her Way’s Top 25 Women to Watch in 2024.

Thank you for having this interview with me. I’m excited about sharing your story in our Biz Her Way Series here on

Our readers would love to learn more about you. Please tell us who you are and a little something about yourself.

I am a young wife, mother, and entrepreneur with a spirit of excellence. I’ve been an entrepreneur for over 4 years now. The first few years of entrepreneurship were a bit of a struggle in that I was willing to do what was unfamiliar but I had a tremendous fear of growth and success.

Most people wouldn’t think they would have a fear of success, but for a long time, I felt that growing meant more sacrifice, time, and more work. It wasn’t until recently that I saw that picture differently.

Although I am a seasoned professional in the beauty industry, I only thought of being limited, not that expansion could mean more growth and freedom. I’m still learning and adjusting to the beauty of entrepreneurship since I was blinded by so much fear.

I am a loctician and the visionary behind Locs of Royals, a premium product line designed specifically for locs.

I love sharing my expertise and passion through my show, Hairapy, The Podcast.

Now, everyone has a story behind the beginning of their business. What inspired you to start your own business, and how has your journey been so far?

My journey has always seemed to begin with obedience. I can’t say I was a dreamer more than I was a visionary. I would see these visions of myself doing certain things, but it was hard for me to believe any of it could be my truth until I was forced to move outside of the box.

My world came crashing down with the demands of childcare and being a single parent. I needed a life that would afford me space at home when necessary and unlimited growth potential. I’ve grown and continued to grow but I’m still in the process of becoming comfortable with things God is calling me to do and be.

Founder of Hairapy The Podcast — Jestina Boone

Tell us about the pivotal moment when you knew your business idea had great potential.

I started my business without an idea as to whether or not it would work per se, it just felt better to be doing it rather than not doing it. Though anxiety and fear were on the rise, I still had a sense of peace.

I began to be more comfortable and transparent, and people began gravitating towards my booking site before I knew it, I was establishing a loyal clientele and products that became in high demand.

Loctician and Visionary behind Locs of Royals — Jestina Boone

Which quotes or affirmations inspire you?

I resonate with some biblical characters mainly because I can see myself in them. Most biblical figures like David, Joseph, the 12 Disciples, etc. Each one seemed to have had a questionable moment in life, but God was with them the entire time, and it all worked out in the end.

So the quote that sticks with me is scripture:

“ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13.

How are you making an impact with your business or project?

My current way of impacting is by sharing my story, the good, the bad, and the ugly. I felt like I was behind in starting my business because I didn’t have a model or mentor to know what steps I should or shouldn’t take, and what could or couldn’t work. I want to open myself to more opportunities to share what I have learned and pray that will help someone else.

What advice would you give to aspiring female entrepreneurs looking to start their own ventures?

My advice to other females would be to do whatever it is with 100% of what you have. I think sometimes we count ourselves short or give up too quickly, when in reality we, never really give 100% because we usually try to do whatever it is, in fear.

I say, do it in Faith! Only you know whatever it is you’re supposed to be doing. Only you feel the restless nights with that dream or idea gnawing at you. Kick the fear and do it in faith!

“Kick the fear and do it in faith” — Jestina Boone

We celebrate women entrepreneurs in our publication. How do you make a difference in the lives of other women entrepreneurs?

As a loctician, I have been privileged to have many entrepreneurial clients sit in my chair. Whether they were starting or established business owners, just being in the presence of other business owners was enough to bounce ideas and have healthy conversations to help grow each other.

Sometimes it was just a push or pep talk and other times it has been full-on brainstorming business strategies to get things moving where they needed to.

It’s the give and give that helps each other grow and thrive. That’s what I love helping make a difference in the lives of other women entrepreneurs.

How do you balance the demands of entrepreneurship with personal well-being and self-care?

Balancing entrepreneurship and self-care can be a struggle but is so necessary. At the beginning of my entrepreneurial journey, I sacrificed myself by compromising my schedule and having zero boundaries in my business. Thankfully, I learned that boundaries were needed as a form of self-care for my personal well-being.

I stick to a schedule for my business and personal life and carve out time every so often to refuel myself with spa days or binge-watches with snacks and body fasts.

Provide words of wisdom in 2 -5 sentences for another woman.

I would encourage any woman in business or wanting to venture into business to know your why. Knowing your why, pushes you when days get hard, will motivate you to keep at it, and anchor you when you stop believing.

“Knowing your why, pushes you when days get hard, will motivate you to keep at it, and anchor you when you stop believing.” — Jestina Boone

What’s next for you?

What’s next for me? It is going back to a business venture I dropped. I recently went back to culinary school so I’m finishing up my degree in culinary arts. I’m not sure what I will do after but I’ve committed to finishing a process I began over 5 years ago in receiving my degree.

Follow Jestina Boone: Facebook and Instagram

For more information visit

Sacha Walton, business strategist and owner of SWI Management Group helps entrepreneurs level up their businesses with strategic planning, marketing, and branding, which drive business growth and visibility. If you would like to be featured Biz Her Way Series, email us at



Sacha Walton
Her Way Series

Sacha Walton is a Business Strategist, Professional Speaker, and CEO of SWI Management Group