Biz Her Way Series: Meet Laura Tolosi “The Diet Ditcher” and founder of Laura Tolosi Nutrition

Sacha Walton
Her Way Series
Published in
11 min readJul 10, 2024


“Make your choices from a place of faith and love and imagine IF.. with the idea of limitless possibilities.” Laura Tolosi

By: Sacha Walton, Business Strategist and CEO of SWI Management Group

Hi, I’m Sacha Walton, founder and editor of Biz Her Way. My mission is to celebrate women business owners and entrepreneurs who are disrupting their industries, trailblazing the norm, and impacting change within their communities.

Women are making an impact worldwide in business ownership. Whether they are Entrepreneurs, Mompreneurs, Authors, Speakers, Creatives, or Intrapreneurs as C-suite employees; they are playing by their own rules and creating their narratives.

According to the Small Business Association (SBA), “over 13 million women own businesses in the US.” Women are taking their place in society and scaling businesses with ideas, talents, passions, and skillsets while staying focused on legacy building.

My heart desires to see women win and I’m excited about sharing the amazing stories of these phenomenal women.

Let’s lift up and applaud all the amazing, talented, inspirational, and diverse women worldwide who are making their voices heard.

Recently, I had a wonderful interview with Laura Tolosi, founder of Laura Tolosi Nutrition, One of Biz Her Way’s Top 25 Women to Watch in 2024.

Thank you for having this interview with me. I’m excited about sharing your story in our Biz Her Way Series here on

Our readers would love to learn more about you. Please tell us who you are and a little something about yourself.

My name is Laura Tolosi and I’m a mom of two amazing, beautiful young women, a wife (extremely grateful to be hitting my 25th wedding anniversary!), and am passionate about enjoying real food and supporting local farmers.

I grew up in a close-knit, Italian American family where food always took center stage. My family always gathered around food to celebrate births, special life events, holidays, and even during hard times, like the loss of loved ones. No matter the moment, food was always there.

It was when I was in college, majoring in Biology, that my first clinical nutrition course, unbeknownst to me at the time, changed the path of my career forever.

I found my true nature and purpose was to share how to unlock and harness the power of real food and integrative nutrition to change your life and health profoundly.

I have always had faith in the body’s divine design and innate wisdom to heal, but it wasn’t until after the birth of my second daughter that I was personally put to one of the hardest health tests of my life and to really lean in and trust this innate wisdom.

I was experiencing unexplained, severe bloating, and found myself bedridden for almost four months. I was shuffled from doctor to doctor and no one was able to help me. However, not once was I scared or feared I would never get out of bed again.

I simply knew, deep down, that given the right tools and under the right environment, my body would do what it needed to do, and it did.

As a Motivational Speaker, Integrative Nutritionist & Women’s No Diet Weight Loss Coach with 30+ years of experience, specializing in physical and emotional metabolism, I am (aka The Diet Ditcher) on a quest to help women of all ages fall in love with their bodies from a place of self-love and self-worth.

To achieve sacred health, I share and make the connection between the experiences we have gone through, how we think, feel, and express our emotions to how we view, regard, and treat our body.

I have frequently appeared on podcast shows openly sharing the lifetime health secrets I have unlocked, both from my experience of working with women and weight loss, as well as my own professional training and personal journey of early struggles with body image and weight.

In addition to recovery from being bedridden for over four months while caring for my two young daughters. My passion for all women is to be confident in their bodies and business, enjoying food that nourishes and tastes good too without feeling guilt or shame.

This has led me to work with amazing women, where I take them through my signature Emotional Metabolism Method and help them:

-Finally feel good in their own skin

-Increase mental focus and clarity

-Eat like a “normal” person

-Wear clothes they love and feel great in

-Have more energy to do what they love

-Be happy, not hungry

-Be confident, not confused

-Feel at peace and in balance in life

I am in pursuit of sharing with audiences all over the innate ability to lead your most vibrant and healthy life. My enthusiasm is contagious and is easily felt when I present her signature speeches that include:

“The Emotional Metabolism Method: The Hidden Key to Lasting Health & Weight Loss Success to Transform Your Life”;

“Focus, Faith & Feel: The Top 3 Secrets on How To Create Sacred Health”; and

Magic in The “Pause”: Feeling F’n Fantastic Over Fifty and Beyond!”

Laura Tolosi “The Diet Ditcher”

Now, everyone has a story behind the beginning of their business. What inspired you to start your own business, and how has your journey been so far?

The desire to go all in my own business came from two things. The first was 2020. Everything went online, including the big boom of service providers, and I saw the possibilities. I finally saw the value of what I provided and this different way of doing business was the gateway for me.

Before that, it was for the most part a brick-and-mortar space, where I would meet clients in person. It was limited to local people and much more limited in scheduling.

The next push that cemented this was two clients in particular. Through my guidance and support, they both achieved health in areas no other health provider was able to help them with before.

Their feedback, “You saved my life”, was the validation and motivation for me to continue to build a business that I love being in, a business that I knew what I did helped people transform their life.

My journey has been one of major personal growth. My education did not include an ounce of business training with it. Did I know my craft and how to help women in their health and weight loss goals? Yes. Did I know how to run a business? No. But that didn’t stop me. I took it one day at a time, one IG post at a time, one program creation at a time.

I have loved every minute of it and continue to enjoy learning new things about business every single day. I loved learning the tech piece, I love being creative, and of course, I love getting to help women and see them get the results they desire.

This has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life which has made me get clear on my personal values and true desires in life and put me in the driver’s seat knowing I am the cause and creator of my own life.

Tell us about the pivotal moment when you knew your business idea had great potential.

The field of health and wellness is one in which there is a great need. It wasn’t so much that I didn’t know my business idea had great potential, it was more about having the belief in my own abilities, and if I could actually be a successful CEO of my own business.

As I was seeing more individuals, the more results I saw, the more confident I became. It wasn’t just the theory that if you do x, you will receive y. What they were doing really worked and I kept seeing proof.

The pivotal moment came when I ran my first beta group program in 2021, for 14 short days, and the results from weight loss, to increased energy, to overall well-being were amazing.

I loved every part of that process, from creating the program, sharing it online, working with the women and seeing their results, to remaining in touch with them today.

I could no longer be a behind-the-scenes kind of gal that my introverted self felt comfortable and safe with. I had to go all-in, go all out, and get out into the world and be seen, in order to serve as many women who would want to work with me as possible. I’m still building that system of my business.

Written By Laura Tolosi

Which quotes or affirmations inspire you?

“When we come from a place of self-love vs self loathe, that is when Sacred Health is achieved.” — Laura Tolosi

“You owe yourself the love that you give so freely to other people.” — Laura Tolosi

“The secret to thriving is the knowledge that we are never simply victims of our bodies. It’s very reassuring to know that we all have within us the ability to heal from anything and go on to live joy-filled lives.” — Christiane Northrup

“When women take care of their health they become their own best friend.” — Maya Angelou

“Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.” -John F. Kennedy

How are you making an impact with your business or project?

Laura Tolosi Nutrition is here to serve heart-centered women to gain true health and vitality. This is not only physical health, but emotional health as well, which is often an overlooked, yet a key missing piece in a person’s ability to achieve the results they have set out to receive.

When women create true health and vitality, it automatically has a positive trickle effect on all other areas of their lives from their family and friends to their confidence and career. This is the profound effect of a truly integrative, holistic approach to health.

When the individual is in truth and happy with their health and life, there is a greater, positive impact, ultimately, on the global collective.

In essence, Laura Tolosi Nutrition’s mission is to impact the individual through self-love, self-care, and self-compassion, and by doing this, impacts the collective as a whole.

?You can achieve ANYTHING if you have the dream and belief.” Laura Tolosi

What advice would you give to aspiring female entrepreneurs looking to start their own ventures?

Follow your heart. Follow the nudges you receive. Follow the breadcrumbs. Go inward. — Laura Tolosi

People are coming from a place of love and support when they offer ideas or suggestions of what you “should” do in your business, but ultimately, the choice is always yours.

Make your choices from a place of faith and love and imagine IF.. with the idea of limitless possibilities. Then your choices will never be “wrong”. When the choices you make are a “Hell Yeah” and make your heart sing — that’s when you know you’re following your true desire and are the creator of your own amazing life and reality.

You can achieve ANYTHING if you have the dream and belief.

We celebrate women entrepreneurs in our publication. How do you make a difference in the lives of other women entrepreneurs?

I find the positive in all they (we) do. I lift them up rather than bring them down. I share different outlooks and perspectives that one may not see. I offer accountability and support when other women entrepreneurs simply ask.

I strive to be the entrepreneur who gives fellow women unconditional support, guidance, and accountability, without any attachments or expectations. I give my best and stay true to my values so we all can be our best.

How do you balance the demands of entrepreneurship with personal well-being and self-care?

I simply listen to my body. It’s an art. I wake up every morning and I have my routine, my journaling, my mediations, my heart math tools. That is always a priority. From there, I set my intentions for the day and what I need to do.

Whatever is feeling exciting and jazzing me up, that’s when I take action. If I know I have a task to do but am tired, I give myself grace and take a nap. I am always tapping into what my body wants.

Good meals with good food, sound sleep, moving my body in ways I love and feel good, these are daily priorities that I just “do” because it’s a part of who I am.

There are certain days when I have activities planned or know I will be doing intense computer work, then I know those evenings are for me to make sure I get out into nature, walk, spend time with my husband, etc. in order to equal out the day.

Self-care is my specialty, and I practice it every day by prioritizing both my physical and emotional well-being. This is a balance I have been purposeful in creating my whole life.

“Simply, enjoy the journey. Drop the perfectionism and enjoy the process.” Laura Tolosi

Provide words of wisdom in 2 -5 sentences for another woman.

First, simply, enjoy the journey. Drop the perfectionism and enjoy the process. Really. I know it may sound so cliché, but it’s not a race to the top or to the endpoint, but a true journey of self-discovery and self-empowerment.

Next, and this is crucial to keep you moving towards your end results, everything you do is feedback, there is no such thing as failure. Ever!!! Failure is simply a label we give to something we tried and didn’t work out the way we planned. That’s it!!

Reflect on what you learned from the lesson and move on. Also, it’s OK to ask for help. We don’t need to go it alone, ever. Heck, who wants to?? Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, on the contrary, it shows your strength.

And finally, you are in power to create your true desired reality. Set your intentions from a place of absolute faith and dialed-in focus. Tap into the intuitive power of your heart and use your body as your tuning fork, your very own personal GPS, and you will NEVER question or worry about making the “wrong” choices or decisions. It will all be crystal clear.

What’s next for you?

More impact. More podcasts. More speaking. More connecting and collaborating, fine-tuning my business in such a way that it can easily expand and scale globally to serve and positively impact women, young and old, all over the world.

Follow Laura Tolosi: Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook

Ready to transform your life through self-care, self-love, and nutrition? Join Laura Tolosi’s Facebook Group >>>> Laura Tolosi Nutrition

Get The Belly Bloat Be Gone Free Guide >>>>Laura Tolosi Nutrition

Sacha Walton, business strategist and owner of SWI Management Group helps entrepreneurs level up their businesses with strategic planning, marketing, and branding, which drive business growth and visibility. If you would like to be featured Biz Her Way Series, email us at



Sacha Walton
Her Way Series

Sacha Walton is a Business Strategist, Professional Speaker, and CEO of SWI Management Group