Biz Her Way Series: Meet Meaghan Keeven

Sacha Walton
Her Way Series
Published in
5 min readJun 11, 2024


Financial Literacy Expert Leading the “Era of Women and Wealth”

By Sacha Walton, Business Strategist and CEO of SWI Management Group

Meaghan Keeven, Founder of Era of Women and Wealth

Hi, I’m Sacha Walton, founder and editor of Biz Her Way. My mission is to celebrate women business owners and entrepreneurs who are disrupting their industries, trailblazing the norm, and impacting change within their communities.

Women are making an impact worldwide in business ownership. Whether they are Entrepreneurs, Mompreneurs, Authors, Speakers, Creatives, or Intrapreneurs as C-suite employees; they are playing by their own rules and creating their narratives.

According to the Small Business Association (SBA), “over 13 million women own businesses in the US.” Women are taking their place in society and scaling businesses with ideas, talents, passions, and skillsets while staying focused on legacy building.

My heart desires to see women win and I’m excited about sharing the amazing stories of these phenomenal women.

Let’s lift up and applaud all the amazing, talented, inspirational, and diverse women worldwide who are making their voices heard.

Recently, I had a wonderful interview with Meaghan Keeven, founder of Era of Women and Wealth, One of Biz Her Way’s Top 25 Women to Watch in 2024.

Thank you for having this interview with me. I’m excited about sharing your story in our Biz Her Way Series here on

Our readers would love to learn more about you. Please tell us who you are and a little something about yourself.

I’m Meaghan Keeven, a Financial Literacy Coach and PowerHouse in the Financial Industry. As a beacon of light for women seeking financial liberation, I am the dynamic founder of The Era of Women and Wealth — an all-female wealth-led initiative that stands at the intersection of empowerment and economic independence.

Backed by her robust credentials, including my Series 7 & 66 licenses and being CFP-enrolled, I go beyond conventional financial advice. I don’t just guide, but I educate and empower too.

From my early beginnings as a passionate investor in my 20s, I have seamlessly ascended the ranks to become a pillar of financial expertise, overseeing multimillion-dollar portfolios with precision and dedication.

But it’s not just the numbers that underscore my expertise; it’s the transformative journeys of my clients. Under my guidance, they’ve turned financial uncertainties into concrete results.

Each story is a testament to the profound impact that’s been made: lives touched, futures secured, and dreams realized. With my direction, clients discover the pathways to wealth while transforming their entire relationship with money. They begin to see money not just as currency, but as a tool for crafting lives of impact, choice, and freedom.

If you’ve ever thought about the true essence of wealth, I have the embodiment of it — not just in financial metrics but in the profound impact I make every day.

I’m not just a financial advisor; I am a movement. And once you’ve heard me, you’ll find yourself thinking, “I absolutely need to work with this badass.”

Most importantly, I am a God-loving boy mom who loves to be physically active especially outdoors. I love shoes, fashion, and having dinner with my inner circle.

“I Am A Movement!” Meaghan Keeven

Now, everyone has a story behind the beginning of their business. What inspired you to start your own business, and how has your journey been so far?

I have another business, that Era of Women and Wealth grew from. I kept getting the same questions and requests from highly educated, highly compensated females. I decided that there was a gap in the market and I needed to fill it!

Tell us about the pivotal moment when you knew your business idea had great potential.

A client said to me “I love working with you because you’re like my big sister teaching me about money and in such an easy and applicable way. Everybody should have someone like you!”

Which quotes or affirmations inspire you?

“What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.” — Zig Ziglar

How are you making an impact with your business or project?

Financial Education: Providing clients with the knowledge they need to make informed financial decisions, thereby promoting financial literacy and empowerment.

Customized Financial Planning: Helping individuals tailor their financial plans to meet their unique goals and circumstances, which can significantly improve their financial stability and future prospects.

“Give yourself grace! Meaghan Keeven

What advice would you give to aspiring female entrepreneurs looking to start their own ventures?

Give yourself Grace! Don’t compare your year 1 to someone’s year 20!!!! Be consistent and seek mentorship.

We celebrate women entrepreneurs in our publication. How do you make a difference in the lives of other women entrepreneurs?

I educate them on how finances are different for entrepreneurs than a “W2” employee, so they can maximize their incomes/ revenue.

I also collaborate as much as possible to help others gain exposure and propel their business!

How do you balance the demands of entrepreneurship with personal well-being and self-care?

I time block and schedule. I make certain things non-negotiable!

“Every challenge is an opportunity to prove your resilience and refine your vision.” Meaghan Keeven

Provide words of wisdom in 2 -5 sentences for another woman.

  1. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and growth that comes with chasing your dreams.

2. Remember, every challenge is an opportunity to prove your resilience and refine your vision.

3. Stay true to your values and never underestimate the power of your own voice.

4. Surround yourself with those who uplift you and believe in your ambitions.

What’s next for you?

Expanding Reach: I plan to launch a series of online courses and workshops aimed at empowering more women with the skills to manage their finances and build wealth.

Collaborations and Partnerships: I am looking to collaborate with other financial experts and institutions to create a comprehensive financial education ecosystem.

Building Wealth with Financial Literacy Expert, Meaghan Keeven

Follow Meaghan Keeven on all platforms: women_and_wealth_

Visit: Era of Women and Wealth

Sacha Walton, business strategist and owner of SWI Management Group helps entrepreneurs level up their businesses with strategic planning, marketing, and branding, which drive business growth and visibility. If you would like to be featured Biz Her Way Series, email us at



Sacha Walton
Her Way Series

Sacha Walton is a Business Strategist, Professional Speaker, and CEO of SWI Management Group