Herbalife Nutrition — Men’s Skincare Routine

6 Easy Steps to Build the Best Men’s Skincare Routine



Taking good care of one’s skin isn’t just for women. Keeping men’s skin healthy is just as important, and in this guide, we’ll show you how to take the hype, hassle, and confusion out of men’s skincare in 6 practical steps.

Skincare Essentials for Men

When shopping for men’s skincare products, the marketplace can be quite overwhelming if you don’t know where to start. The reality is that you don’t need 100 products to have great skin all year around.

What you need are the basics to address these common concerns:

  • Facial hair
  • Excess oil
  • The appearance of aging skin
  • Sun protection

If you don’t know how or where to get started, don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. Here are 6 essential changes you can make to develop a good skincare routine:

1. Use the Right Products for Facial Hair.

Most issues with men’s skin revolve around facial hair. It can start with what they use to shave and how they take care of their skin after. Instead of using a bar of soap, use a product that is smoother and less abrasive.

Bar soaps are tough on your skin because they can sometimes contain perfumes and harsh detergents that may strip the natural oils that are needed to keep your skin balanced. Look for products that contain invigorating ingredients like orange, citrus, and grapefruit oil.

After shaving, use a product that is alcohol-free. There are many great toners in the marketplace that are alcohol-free and come in a mist form for easy use. They help provide hydration without irritation after shaving. Aloe vera gel may also be used for soothing irritations, preventing flare-ups, and moisturizing the skin.

2. Wash and Cleanse According to Your Skin Type.

Using a cleanser appropriate for your skin type can make all the difference in the way your skin feels and looks. Here are my top tips for daily facial cleansing:

  • In general, avoid harsh, ordinary soaps that can strip your skin of its natural oils. Instead, choose gentle cleansers: dermatologist-tested and sulfate-free.
  • For dryer skin, select products with ingredients that help soften and moisturize the skin, like aloe vera and chamomile.
  • If your skin is oilier, pick ingredients that leave the skin feeling refreshed, like juicy orange and grapefruit.
  • Make it a routine to cleanse in the morning and at night before going to bed, just like brushing your teeth.
  • Make sure to wash up and cleanse your face after working out to prevent breakouts.

Keeping up a daily ritual of washing and cleansing should be top priority. The right facial cleanser and alcohol-free toner will help your skin look exceptionally healthy.

3. Hydrate and Moisturize Your Skin Daily.

Flowers make a great gift, but no one likes smelling like one. A sweet-smelling moisturizer can sometimes deter men from hydrating their skin properly. Look for a moisturizer with hydrating properties and additional benefits like SPF and antioxidants.

These properties are going to keep your skin soft and hydrated, which means less visible fine lines and wrinkles. If you need extra moisture in your skincare regimen, look for moisturizing sunscreens or try wearing your night moisturizer with your sunscreen over it.

Nighttime creams tend to have richer, more emollient ingredients that could be great to boost your hydration, especially during colder months.

4. Mask Weekly.

There are advantages to having oily skin, such as aging well. Drier skin tends to show fine lines and wrinkles quicker. Even though this might be true, most men don’t necessarily like to look as shiny as the sun on a daily basis. In addition to using the right cleanser, toner, and moisturizer, a weekly facial mask is a must.

Using a facial mask once or twice a week can help with the removal of buildup and impurities. Look for ingredients like bentonite clay, which is known for its powerful ability to remove dirt and absorb excess oil. Masking on a weekly basis can help regulate your skin’s oil production. You can put a mask on after a run, the gym, or while paying online bills.

5. Wear Sunscreen All Year.

If there’s one non-negotiable skincare routine step, it is protecting your skin against sun exposure every day regardless of the weather. Just because it’s cloudy or rainy outside doesn’t mean you’re protected from the sun, so don’t skimp on the SPF 15 or higher every day.

Not only does effective sunscreen diminish your chances of getting a sunburn, but by avoiding UV damage, you can prevent visible signs of aging that result from sun exposure and, most importantly, potential skin diseases. During the summertime, since you might sweat a little more, try switching to a water-resistant SPF and re-apply the sunscreen every couple of hours.

Check out our SPF Guide where we discuss other common questions and myths related to sun protection and UV radiation.

6. Develop Healthier Habits.

Our skincare guide would be incomplete if we didn’t talk about the role of healthy eating and regular exercise. Remember: inner nutrition and outer nutrition go hand in hand.

Eating foods rich in antioxidants such as vitamin A, C, and E will help your skin stay healthy. Similarly, drink lots of water to prevent the appearance of dehydrated skin.

When you nourish your body from the inside out, your body (and skin) will thank you for it, giving you more confidence as you feel and look great.

For more on Healthy Aging and other related topics, visit Herbalife​ Nutrition.

Author: Laura Chacon-Garbato
Director, Worldwide Nutrition Product Training and Education

Laura is a Licensed Esthetician and has received post-graduate education from the International Dermal Institute in the US. Her backgrounds extend to working with well-known global personal care companies, where she was responsible for the education strategy and execution of business goals.




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