Herbalife Nutrition

Guiding Principles That Lead to a Strong Business

3 min readJan 4, 2022


Fairness, transparency, and honesty are tenets of business that have always deeply resonated with me. That is what inspired me to pursue a law career, which has included tenures at an international law firm and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) Division of Enforcement, working on fraud and anti-corruption matters.

These tenets also are the foundation of any great company. Today, I have the privilege of leading a team with direct oversight of Herbalife Nutrition’s international policies, corporate trainings, and other critical initiatives that support an ethical culture and ensure compliance with local and regional regulations worldwide.

It All Starts with Our Guiding Principles

What do we mean when we talk about governance? Governance refers to structures and processes designed to ensure accountability, guidance, transparency, the rule of law, equity and inclusiveness, and empowerment. Governance at Herbalife Nutrition begins with our own clear and straightforward values: we always do what’s right, work together, and build it better.

These principles manifest through our more than 10,000 employees located around the globe, for whom we strive to provide a safe workplace that nurtures collaboration, innovation, continuous improvement, diversity and inclusion, personal development, and a commitment to wellness.

We created The Herbalife Nutrition Corporate Code of Business Conduct and Ethics (the “Code”) to serve as the foundation for how our employees conduct themselves. It is reinforced by our broader Ethics and Compliance program, which includes awareness campaigns and training programs. Our culture focuses on ethics and compliance being the responsibility of everyone; it is inherent in how all employees conduct themselves.

Moreover, non-employees that have a business relationship with Herbalife Nutrition — such as vendors and suppliers — must comply with our Code’s principles of honesty, integrity, and ethical decision-making as well.

Our Commitment to Communicate and Engage

At first glance, governance topics might seem a bit hard to understand. Still, our commitment to transparency and sharing who we are and how we are abiding by governance practices have inspired us to communicate our journey and goals.

And to keep that momentum and engagement going, we’ve found diverse ways to communicate with employees. We believe in a 360-communication approach: someone’s going to want to read a blog, but then there’s going to be a video that helps explain different aspects, and so we can appeal to a broader audience based on other mediums and different approaches, but they remember it and then apply it and learn something new.

Ethics and Quality Lead to a Strong Business

We strive for excellence in the quality of our products, our team, and our work in ethics and compliance. Our rigorous approach to our business sets us apart from other companies in the nutrition supplements industry, and I am proud to work for a company with such high standards. I see the commitment and passion from our global team and senior management, continually seeking to raise the bar on everything we do.

As part of our commitment to nourish people and the planet, we have set a goal to make 50 million positive impacts in the areas of economic opportunity, community nutrition, and environmental stewardship by 2030, the 50th anniversary of Herbalife Nutrition.

This initiative reflects our belief that leadership not only demands excellence in product quality but a firm dedication to ethical business practices and a desire to do our part to improve the world. A Company that stays true to its ethical principles retains and inspires its team and increases its customer loyalty.

These efforts are reflected in our Global Responsibility Report, which details our governance endeavors to ensure we — leadership, employees, distributors, and corporate partners — adhere to the highest standards externally and internally.

For more on nutrition tips, go to IamHerbalifeNutrition.com.

Written by: Andy Dunbar
SVP, Chief Compliance Officer

Andy is responsible for the ongoing advancement of Herbalife Nutrition’s ethics and compliance program. He has direct oversight of the Company’s global policies and investigations, guiding the development and delivery of training, and other critical initiatives to drive ethical culture and ensure compliance with local and regional regulations worldwide. Mr. Dunbar brings more than 20 years of experience to Herbalife Nutrition.




Herbalife is a global company that aims to change people’s lives with great nutrition products and a proven business opportunity.