Herbalife Nutrition — Exercise Science

Innovation in Sports Science and Nutrition



There’s a responsibility that comes with being a premier global nutrition company. In addition to ensuring the highest quality products for our millions of distributors and their customers around the world, we’re committed to providing products and information that reflect the latest science and research in the industry.

And that’s why Herbalife Nutrition is involved in some of the most prestigious conferences related to nutrition, botanicals, fitness and more. Most recently, I presented a study developed by Herbalife Nutrition to examine the impact of FDA’s updated Nutrient Daily Values on the Nutrition Rich Food (NRF) Index at the American Society for Nutrition Conference.

And this week, I will be joining thousands of industry professions at the annual conference of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), a prestigious organization representing certified professionals in sports medicine, exercise science, and health and fitness. The ACSM’s annual conference is a precious opportunity to learn about cutting-edge scientific research and innovations in sports science and nutrition. As a Clinical Nutrition Doctor (DCN), a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and an ACSM-Certified Personal Trainer (ACSM-CPT), I am looking forward to attending the following symposiums during the meeting and learning all the new updates related to:

Ketones for Health and Performance

Ketogenic diet has been used in medicine and clinical nutrition for a long time in treating specific medical conditions like drug-resistant epilepsy. However, it’s been promoted in recent years in the media for inducing weight loss or improving athletic performance. While it is extremely difficult to follow a ketogenic diet for a long period of time due to its high restriction on limiting carbohydrate intake, there is not yet enough scientific evidence showing that ketogenic diet is a long-term healthy dietary approach to lose weight or improve physical performance. This symposium is going to provide updates on the latest research studies in this subject matter.

Is it Over-training or Under-recovering?

Appropriate intensity and duration of training is important to help us achieve our fitness goals. While the symptoms of over-training and under-recovering can be similar, diagnosing accurately is important to identify appropriate solutions for the athletes. This symposium will provide updates of these conditions from physiological, nutritional and medical aspects.

Dietary Nitrate & Nitric Oxide Metabolism: From Mouth to Muscle

Adequate oxygen supply to muscles is an important aspect in generating energy for us to perform physical activity. Nitric oxide (NO) is a well-known vasodilator that can help increase blood flow to the muscles. It will be interesting to learn from this symposium about the recent advances in the nitrate-nitrite-NO pathway, especially on the metabolic effects in health and exercise performance.

You’re Doing it Wrong: Training and Nutrition for Physique vs for Function

Goal setting is an important step before starting any training. The training strategy and dietary approach to improve body shape is very different from that to prepare for running a marathon. I am looking forward to learning from this symposium the recent developments on the approaches of training and diet for different exercise purposes.

For more on fitness and other related topics, visit Herbalife​ Nutrition.

Author: Simon Sum
Director, North America Scientific Affairs, R&D




Herbalife is a global company that aims to change people’s lives with great nutrition products and a proven business opportunity.