Our Global Responsibility Journey: Committing to 50 Million Positive Impacts



It is abundantly clear that at the core of Herbalife Nutrition is a singular driving force: people. Our independent distributors, customers, employees, partners, suppliers, and the communities where they live and work, create an interconnected network that generates an ongoing momentum to do good.

In my role overseeing our global responsibility efforts and strategic partnerships, I am continually inspired and motivated by our community’s commitment, passion, and dedication to give back, support those in need, and create changes to help others thrive. This is embedded in our culture and is something expressed in every corner of our business.

Our global responsibility journey has been an incredible evolution, and we are proud to share more of where we are heading. Our inaugural 2020 Global Responsibility Report is a significant milestone in sharing our progress to do good for the health and wellness of our communities and planet.

How We’re Taking Hunger to Zero

As a global leader in nutrition, we realized that we could shift the needle by committing to help bring hunger to zero and tackle the global challenges of hunger, food insecurity, and malnutrition. Hunger cannot be truly solved without nutrition as a critical part of the equation. We saw a need to focus on nutrition as a core aspect of addressing hunger and food insecurity. In 2019, we launched Nutrition for Zero Hunger (NFZH), our global responsibility program working alongside leading global, regional, and local nonprofit partners providing critical resources and expertise to underserved communities worldwide by partnering with leading international nonprofit organizations.

Since the launch of our initiative in September 2019, we have donated more than a million nutritious meals to children and families, and we’ve reached over 164 million people in 80 countries through our NFZH partners. This initiative complements the efforts of the Herbalife Nutrition Foundation and broadens our reach by ensuring access to and resources to support good nutrition.

50 by 50: 50 Million Positive Impacts to Nourish People and Planet by 2030

We are constantly pushing the boundaries to support our partners and evaluate how we can positively impact communities in need. That is why we are pledging to create 50 million positive impacts by 2030, our 50th anniversary.

But what is a positive impact? A positive impact means to affect or influence in a beneficial way. In the scope of our Global Responsibility, a positive impact is a tangible action or result which positively contributes to our goals across our three pillars and foundational areas of focus.

Across our Global Responsibility core pillars and foundational programs, key performance indicators (KPIs) are identified to assess progress toward our global goals. Positive Impacts include specific KPIs of actions, results, and evidence that include the following indicators:

  • Results that are Tangible — providing physical evidence that provides beneficial contribution to target communities.
  • Results that are Measurable — can be quantified and verified through data and confirmed by third parties where applicable.
  • Results that provide beneficial contribution to a Specific goal identified within our Global Responsibility core pillars and foundational areas.

Positive impacts serve as one set of benchmarks to measure the progress of our key programs and pillars which nourish people, communities, and planet.

Having big goals is a challenge, but our passion and excitement drive us to achieve them. We are proud to increase our accountability and transparency by providing a central place, the Global Responsibility Report, to share relevant information about our progress on these goals.

Our 2020 Global Responsibility Report

The report details our global, regional, and local programs and our efforts to support our planet, society, and employees. We hope to demonstrate our long-term commitment to improving our global communities in three meaningful areas:

  • Providing greater access to good nutrition and nutrition education
  • Increasing economic empowerment
  • Strengthening our environmental stewardship and supporting our planet

Along with sharing our strategy, our core focus areas, we are also committed to sharing more about who we are, our products, and our impact across our value chain. Our report covers key subject areas that demonstrate our journey, our progress, and outlines our plans for future development as we measure our progress to achieve 50 million positive impacts. These topics include:

Product Stewardship: Quality is at the heart of everything we do, from sourcing the best ingredients, managing state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities, and designing easy-to-read, accurate labels to consistently updating our product portfolio with innovative products that meet ever-evolving nutritional and wellness needs.

Environmental Impact: Our commitment to protect and safeguard our planet sits at the heart of our sourcing and manufacturing efforts and is guided by our core value to always do what’s right. Our initial achievements include eliminating plastic bags in some markets, reducing excess packaging materials, and increasing the use of post-consumer resin (PCR) in our packaging.

Social Impact: This section emphasizes our investment in employees’ health and wellness, increasing access to good nutrition and economic empowerment of our independent distributors, and demonstrates our impact. We illustrate our commitment to building thriving, vibrant communities worldwide through our global responsibility programs — such as NFZH — and the work of the Herbalife Nutrition Foundation.

Governance: We share the organizational framework, regulations, and guidelines that define our Company. We illustrate our dedication to upholding high standards for corporate governance, privacy and data protection, ethics, and compliance.

Measuring Our Progress

While we continue to work toward our 50 by 50 goal, we will remain committed to identify our partners’ strengths and look for additional opportunities for our community to be a part of our momentum for good.

As a global company, we have the network and platforms to engage a large community of international stakeholders, independent distributors, and customers to support and amplify our partners’ missions and grassroots programs. We owe it to the new generation of customers and distributors born with the rise of internet technologies and who influence their peers and organizations to make sustainable choices for the betterment of vulnerable communities and the environment.

This drive to do good and seek more ways to impact others that have shaped our global commitments positively will continue to transform the evolution of our global responsibility journey.

For more on corporate social responsibility and other related topics, visit Herbalife​ Nutrition.

Author: Erin Richards-Kunkel
Senior Director, Strategic Partnerships and Corporate Social Responsibility

Erin leads the development and execution of global partnerships and corporate social responsibility initiatives for Herbalife Nutrition. Her background combines analytical and creative expertise with degrees in both biological sciences and journalism from the University of California, Davis and the University of Southern California respectively. Her love of storytelling, science, and social good comes together in her approach for engagement and holistic campaign strategy and development.




Herbalife is a global company that aims to change people’s lives with great nutrition products and a proven business opportunity.