How COVID-19 accelerated change in design and arts education–Herberger Institute highlights from October 2020

Creativity required

“If you focus on what you don’t have, you never make anything. If you focus on what you do have — more access to faculty, more flexibility with faculty — you can do great things. That’s what creativity is. We can talk about limitations, but there are also all these challenges we can use to make great art.”

Faculty and students at ASU’s Herberger Institute are flexing their creative muscle to meet this moment.

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Opening the door to inclusivity

“If you want people to thrive and be their best selves and be creative and strive to be No. 1 in innovation, you must listen to what they need when they get here.”

Melita Belgrave, the new associate dean for culture and access in ASU’s Herberger Institute, says opening the door to inclusivity starts with a lot of listening.

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Agents for better communities

“We believe that artists are the essential agents of driving healthier and more equitable outcomes in communities.”

Yerba Buena Center for the Arts CEO Deborah Cullinan talks about what role the arts play in society and her new position as the inaugural National Field Leader in Residence at ASU’s Herberger Institute on KJZZ Phoenix’s The Show.

Listen to the interview

Spotlight on Assembly Required

Assembly Required brings together strategies for being a professional creative with approaches to new ways of working in art and design today. It is a platform of dynamic Herberger Institute programs that showcases skill sets for successful creative careers and that connects the experiences of field leaders with future innovators.

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By the numbers

This month’s number is six! ASU students with a passion for film have several opportunities to connect with each other, learn and share work through six different student-led film or film-oriented organizations, including some housed in The New American Film School. Clubs include space for students to network, screen student films, get feedback on scripts, learn about filmmakers, explore the entertainment business and more.

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In pictures

How do you put on a fully produced theatre performance virtually? The scenic and design team in the School of Music, Dance and Theatre tapped into all its resources for the first theatre production of the semester, including 3D scanning, building miniature sets and scale models, creating virtual sets with projecting mapping and more. They documented the process on Instagram.

