See how our fellows are making an impact in the world—Herberger Institute highlights from October 2022

The future of film education

Leaders in The Sidney Poitier New American Film School shared how ASU is steering the future of film education during a series of events celebrating the opening of the ASU California Center in Los Angeles.

Curating art to inspire

Dhyandra Lawson, who graduated from the ASU-LACMA Master’s Fellowship in Art History program, explores connections across the Black diaspora.

Artist- and explorer-in-residence

Herberger Institute XRts Immersive Media Fellow and ASU artist- and explorer-in-residence Sian Proctor talks about space exploration and “JEDI Space,” a term she created and used in a poem to describe why we need a just, equitable, diverse and inclusive space for all of humanity.

A trellis for true community

Arizona State University alumna and artist Melissa Dunmore interviewed Laura Zabel, executive director of Springboard Center for the Arts and Senior Policy Fellow with ASU’s Studio for Creativity, Place and Equitable Communities, about the recent release of Zabel’s research paper “Beyond the Ladder of Participation: A Trellis for Community Power.” Their conservation explores themes of art, imagination, relational power and the environment in a post-pandemic landscape.

Spotlight on partnerships

School of Art student Ruby Maderafont and the Herberger Institute’s Marcos Voss talk about a new partnership between the Smithsonian’s Latino Museum Studies Program and the Herberger Institute.

By the numbers…

This month’s number is nine! The ninth edition of the art, science and technology festival Emerge takes place next month at the ASU Media and Immersive eXperience (MIX) Center and the Mesa Arts Center in Mesa, Arizona. Presented by ASU in partnership with Mesa Arts Center and Leonardo, the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology, Emerge 2022: Eating at the Edges explores what it means to eat in a world of increasing environmental extremes.

