Leading by Example: Natasha Guynes

HER Resiliency Center
HER Resiliency Center
3 min readMar 15, 2017


Sarah Levant, Natasha Guynes and Tamara Mooney (HER Board Member)

Sarah Levant is a Skills & Strengths Facilitator at HER Resiliency Center. Sarah provides direct service to the young women HER serves.

The Obama Foundation asked… “Courage comes in many forms. Who in your local community or neighborhood leads by example?” I didn’t get my answer submitted before the question changed but felt it was especially important to share.

Not many people can say that their boss inspires them everyday. Yes, even when deadlines are approaching and the pressure is on. I am honored to be working with Natasha, and see her courage everyday. She is saving lives in our DC community by leading with her heart, experiences, and her organizational savviness. Natasha Guynes, the Founder and President of HER Resiliency Center (HER), is the living embodiment of compassion and courage. People look at Natasha and see that she’s worked on Capitol Hill for various Senators, that she was the Director of Operations for Media Matters, an AmeriCorps alum, and the Founder and President of HER. The same people don’t see the shame and pain it took for her to get there. By the age of 20, she was an escort, homeless, drug and alcohol addict and contemplating suicide. Only through a loving community of women was she able to heal and grow.

Natasha created HER from her own experiences and that is how she knows the organizational model works. HER is a trauma-informed organization that supports young women, ages 18 to 25, who need support and positive changes in their lives. The only requirement for the women is that they want and need to change their lives. HER meets the young women, “peers,” on their turf in the community and empowers them through their individualized plan. Whether that means literally picking them up and going to the food stamp office together, advocating for them in court, tutoring them in college classes or helping them heal after they have been sexually exploited and trafficked. HER supports peers with one-on-one meetings, workshops, and pairing them with a mentor early on in the program so they have professional exposure. The HER model is peer-based, meaning that the staff and peers are encouraged to develop meaningful relationships and share personal and professional experiences. The thought is, “If I can do it, so can you. Let’s work together to get you there.”

Natasha’s courage has inspired not just me, but many others as well. The importance of this organization encouraged Natasha to share her most vulnerable and personal experiences, sacrifice her financial opportunities, and commit her impressive talents and countless hours to serve and empower women in our DC community. The HER organization is rapidly growing, and HER needs your support. I hope Natasha’s courage speaks to and motivates you like it does me. She is helping young women not only to survive, but thrive.

Thank you for your consideration,

Sarah Levant
Skills & Strengths Facilitator
HER Resiliency Center



HER Resiliency Center
HER Resiliency Center

HER gives young women overcoming hardship a safe space of support to make positive decisions for a thriving life.