#Clap2Act | Turn those Thursday night claps into practical action

This is the fight of a generation, and we’re the generation for this fight.

Year Here
Here and Now
2 min readApr 18, 2020


Camden, carry on — the film made to launch the #Clap2Act campaign, in support of #WeMakeCamden

Every Thursday we clap for the NHS, for the carers, for the frontline workers in supermarkets and pharmacies. It feel like the best thanks we can offer.

But there’s more we can do.

When our NHS is underfunded, understaffed and under-equipped to deal with the immense challenge of Covid-19, there is no time to blame the government. We must step in.

And when the most vulnerable people in society are struggling to get the essentials they need to survive, there is no time to be stunned at how quickly our world has turned upside down. We must step in.

Clapping is great but action is even better.

Born in Camden as part of the We Make Camden campaign, #Clap2Act encourages all of us to take action — from delivering food to a vulnerable neighbour to sewing scrubs, from translating essential information to donating dosh to the NHS. And if staying home is the most you can do then that’s great too.

Whether you’re in Camden, Carlisle or Caernarfon, you can turn your claps into action too.

Just post on your social media:

  1. On Thursdays, I clap.
  2. Today, I will act.
  3. *tell us what you’re doing to support the effort*
  4. I nominate…
Feel free to use these templates for your story

#Clap2Act was conceived by the 2020 cohort of Year Here, a postgraduate course in social innovation, as part of a 24 hour challenge. The video, Camden, carry on, was made with the support of Tom Edkins.



Year Here
Here and Now

A year to test and build entrepreneurial solutions to society’s toughest problems.