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5 Famous Curses from History

The origins behind some of history’s strangest items

Here There Be Monsters
5 min readFeb 24, 2021


History is full of cursed objects. They flit in-and-out of historical accounts, causing devastation, before sinking back into private collections, waiting for the next unsuspecting victim. Or they become part of a story, a vehicle that those who were wronged can use to get their revenge. Though sometimes the “curse” is created after the fact to explain what could otherwise not be explained. The five cursed examples below leave it up to you to decide if curses are real or not.

Tutankhamen’s Tomb

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In 1922 Howard Carter unearthed the tomb of Tutankhamen, a long-dead pharaoh. This was an amazing discovery, not only for the research possibilities a nearly untouched tomb could provide, but because it brought the possibility of curses to the forefront of the public’s imagination. For not long after unsealing the sarcophagus, both Howard Carter and his patron, Lord Carnarvon, died in unusual circumstances. Victims of a curse? Or just bad luck? The general consensus among those who believe in the supernatural is the former.

