The Insidiousness Of Being Exclusive

What cheaters use to justify cheating.

Melissa Alvarez
Here’s The Thing


Photo by Darya Sheydel via Pexels.

This article is a bit of a warning. What I’m about to share with you happened to me, and is happening to enough women around the internet that I thought it was pertinent to comment on it.

Now I don’t promote expecting the worst of people. That’s no way to live, and it’s not the best mindset to have when dating. I’m trying to help people be less naive. Which is incredibly hard to do because in the modern dating scene, there are no rules.

Over the course of ten years of online dating, I realized that different terms means different things to different people. I found that casual has a different connotation when it comes to men and women.

Men tend to think of casual as on-call sex; women tend to think of it as a relationship with no elevator.

Think one night stand vs. friends with benefits.

There’s this in-between stage: exclusivity.

A lot of people are having the exclusivity talk after they’ve been dating for a while. If you’re like me, this seems kind of unnecessary. I tend to date one person at a time. That’s how I was dating in the past anyway. Most dating experts would say that multi-dating is…



Melissa Alvarez
Here’s The Thing

Melissa Alvarez is a 31 year old Film Industry professional living in Los Angeles. | IG: @melannealva | © Pollyanna Productions