82-Year-Old Persecuted for Ensuring his Survival

Ian Stephen
Heretic Daily
Published in
2 min readJun 6, 2023

A Statement from Andrew Ryan, Founder of Rapture

Citizens of Rapture,

I bring to your attention a tale from the surface, a tale that encapsulates the farce that is their so-called justice system.

In the German town of Aurich, an 82-year-old seaman stands before a court for the 25th time, accused and found guilty of dealing in marijuana. His motive? To supplement his meagre pension, a paltry €800 a month. The court, in its false magnality, has given him a “last warning,” a suspended sentence to avoid jail.

This is an indictment of the world above, a testament to the inherent contradictions that riddle their society. Here is a man, still trying to make his way in the world, driven to the drug trade not by greed or malice, but by the basic human desire for survival!

On the surface, they penalize him, again and again. They scorn him for refusing to accept his lot, for refusing to fade away quietly into obilivion. And yet, they offer him no other alternative. They force him into poverty with their pitiful pension and then chastise him when he strives to rise above it.

It is a travesty, an insult to the principles of hard work, perseverance, and personal gain that we hold dear in Rapture.

Here, beneath the waves, we understand that man should be free to pursue his own interest, to work for his own benefit. In Rapture, a man is entitled to the sweat of his brow. A man can pull himself up, earn a living, and live comfortably without the fear of a court’s gavel.

The surface world is mired in hypocrisy, chained by antiquated laws and moral ambiguities. In their world, a man’s worth is determined by his age, his retirement benefits, and how well he falls in line. In Rapture, a man’s worth is determined by his actions, by his hard work, and by his determination to improve his own life.

Let this story serve as a reminder of why we chose to descend into the depths, to build a city where man can thrive without the constraints of the fallen world above.

In Rapture, we believe in individualism, in self-interest, and in the power of the human spirit. We believe in a society where a man can strive for more, where a man is not condemned for wanting to better his life, but rewarded for it.

Remember, Citizens of Rapture, no gods or kings, only Man!

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Ian Stephen
Heretic Daily

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