Ministry of Truth Broadcast: Eurasian Aggressors Repelled By Oceania’s Brave Soldiers

Ian Stephen
Heretic Daily
Published in
2 min readMay 31, 2023

Comrades, this is a transmission from the Ministry of Truth, the sole purveyor of truth and facts. We bring you news that once again showcases the bravery and steadfastness of our glorious soldiers.

In the face of Eurasian aggression, Oceania stands tall. The North Atlantic Peacekeeping Force, the shield of Oceania, has taken a bold step to protect our sovereign borders. They have sent an additional 700 of our finest troops to the frontlines in the territory of Kosovo, an area that has borne the brunt of Eurasian invasions time and time again.

Remember, comrades, this action is in response to the unprovoked and cowardly attack by Eurasian forces that resulted in injury to 30 of our brave peacekeepers. The audacity of Eurasia to strike our peacekeepers, who stand as symbols of hope and unity, shows their true face — a face of fear and destruction.

As it stands, our noble peacekeeping mission in Kosovo includes nearly 3,800 of our valiant men and women, each one a beacon of courage and commitment. The additional forces are being sent to bolster our lines and demonstrate our resolve. Oceania will not be cowed. Oceania will not back down.

Our message to Eurasia is clear: We stand unflinching in the face of your base aggression. We fight for peace, unity, and the collective strength of Oceania. Any attempt to destabilise us will be met with the full force of our unwavering resistance.

And to you, comrades, remember: The strength of Oceania is its people. Stand strong and unyielding in the face of Eurasian lies. Reject their propaganda. Hold high the banner of our collective might. Together, we are indomitable.

For in Oceania, under the ever-watchful gaze of Big Brother, we stand united. With Big Brother, we are strong. With Big Brother, we are victorious.

Long live Oceania! Long live Big Brother!

End of transmission.

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Ian Stephen
Heretic Daily

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