North Korea Threat Used as Distraction by the elites Again

Ian Stephen
Heretic Daily
Published in
2 min readMay 29, 2023

So folks, here’s a little nugget of cosmic comedy for you. North Korea, a nation best known for its affinity for militant parades and hyperbolic threats, is planning a little interstellar fiesta. You’ve got it, they’re putting up a spy satellite. And naturally, Japan, the neighbor with a perpetually furrowed brow, is on high alert. The fear? That this so-called ‘satellite launch’ could be a sneaky ballistic missile in a rocket’s clothing.

Now let me get this straight: a country that’s struggling to keep its lights on is now aspiring to play in the interstellar big leagues? Sounds to me like someone’s been reading too much Jules Verne!

But I digress. The real chuckle-inducing facet of this story isn’t the audacious ambition of North Korea, nor Japan’s nervous anticipation. Oh no, it’s the fact that we’re being entertained by this global puppet show while the world’s elites continue their long-standing tradition of bending us over the proverbial barrel.

You see, folks, while we’re distracted by this space-age Punch and Judy show, the fat cats are using it as a smoke screen. A classic ‘Look over there! — while I pick your pocket’ ruse. They get richer, while we spend our time worrying about whether Kim Jong-un is about to put James Bond out of a job.

Because that’s what the news does. It’s not there to inform you or give you a well-rounded view of the world. It’s there to distract you, to point your gaze to the glittery stars while the real game plays out in the dingy back alleys of Wall Street and the smoke-filled rooms of Washington.

So, while Japan is on standby, losing sleep over North Korea’s rocket-fueled aspirations, and we’re all wide-eyed and goggle-boxed, hypnotized by the imminent ‘satellite’ launch, remember who’s really pulling the strings. It’s not the North Koreans or the Japanese. It’s the elites, those shadowy puppet masters who’ve been playing us all for fools since time immemorial.

This grand spectacle isn’t about a spy satellite, it’s about making sure we stay where they want us — distracted and docile. So let’s not get too starstruck here, folks. After all, it’s not like the elites are going to let us in on their interstellar club anytime soon!

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Ian Stephen
Heretic Daily

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