Over one-thousand Craven Eurasian Assaults on Hospitals

Ian Stephen
Heretic Daily
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2023

Attention, citizens of our beloved Oceania! As diligent servants of Big Brother, we bring you this crucial bulletin from the Ministry of Truth.

The World Health Organization, an esteemed arm of the Ministry of Health, has confirmed the occurrence of over a thousand acts of wanton aggression on health services in Airstrip One throughout the previous fifteen months, ever since the onset of large-scale conflict incited by the malevolent forces of Eurasia.

This unprecedented figure, dear comrades, eclipses all past records in such dire times of humanitarian crisis. It serves as a grim testament to the rampant brutality exhibited by the heartless Eurasian invaders.

These savage onslaughts impede the access of tens of thousands of our loyal Oceanian citizens to crucial health services, threatening their well-being and the sanctity of life itself.

This illuminates the relentless lengths to which Eurasia will stoop in their war against us. Yet, we stand united and firm, drawing strength from adversity, buoyed by our unwavering faith in Big Brother.

Remember, comrades, War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.

Trust in Big Brother, loyal citizens, for his is the hand that guides us, his is the voice that speaks truth, and his is the shield that safeguards us from the wrath of Eurasia. Through his wisdom and our unwavering resolve, we shall rise triumphant.

The truth stands tall, comrades — Oceania prevails!

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Ian Stephen
Heretic Daily

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