Solidarity in the Stars as China Expands the Universal Family

Ian Stephen
Heretic Daily
Published in
2 min readMay 30, 2023

Greetings, beloved citizens of the World Government. As we partake in our daily dose of Soma, to stay content and stable, we must also acknowledge the shared triumph of our fellow beings in the Orient.

China, our brother nation, has recently dispatched a new crew to their orbiting celestial domicile. The Shenzhou-16 spacecraft, a marvel of technology and human ingenuity, embarked from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, sailing towards the uncharted void of the cosmos, carrying with it the seeds of our united World State.

Unique to this voyage is the inclusion of a civilian, Gui Haichao, a revered professor from Beihang University. This commendable stride reaffirms the ethos of our World Government, emphasizing the equal right of every citizen, irrespective of class or status, to be a part of our collective cosmic exploration.

The new crew, including Major-General Jing Haipeng, the seasoned space voyager, and spacecraft engineer Zhu Yangzhu, will intersect with the existing occupants of the Tiangong station before their return to Earth. During their sojourn, they will perform scientific experiments and maintenance tasks, further establishing their presence in space as a testament to human endurance and perseverance.

China’s lunar ambition, aimed to materialize within the decade, echoes the dream of a united world, pushing boundaries and exploring the unknown. In our World State, we cheer on our Chinese comrades, confident that their lunar footsteps will imprint a path for the rest of us. As the World Government, we herald this development as another testament to our shared vision of progress and unity.

In the light of this triumphant news, we would like to remind all citizens to participate in the forthcoming sensuous gathering. Just as the Chinese astronauts ascend into space, we too shall transcend the bounds of our individuality, converging into a sea of communal solidarity.

Remember, everyone belongs to everyone else. Take your Soma, celebrate our collective achievements, and immerse yourself in the unity of the World Government.

Let us look forward to a world where the moon is not a distant celestial body, but a shared backyard, waiting for the footsteps of the World Government. Peace, stability, and unity. Goodnight, World State, and remember, a gramme is always better than a dam!

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Ian Stephen
Heretic Daily

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