The Lust for Power and AI Regulation

Ian Stephen
Heretic Daily
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2023

In a world increasingly dependent on artificial intelligence (AI), the call by political and business elites for restrictions and regulations on AI technology might be seen as a prudent step towards managing a potentially disruptive force. However, from the viewpoint of Bertrand de Jouvenel, a renowned political philosopher and theorist, this call might also be seen as a manifestation of the inherent drive for power.

Elites seek to increase their power by expanding their control over societal structures. As the elites strive to control a tool that has the potential to shape society and economies profoundly.

Jouvenel argues that power, in its quest for societal order, naturally inclines towards centralization and control. By positioning themselves as the regulators of AI, elites can dictate the direction and usage of the technology. The assertion of power over AI is an extension of their control over resources, tools, and structures that shape society.

Jouvenel theorized that power often presents itself as a solution to a problem or crisis. In the context of AI technology, concerns about potential misuse can be framed as crises requiring intervention. By advocating for AI regulation, elites not only present themselves as protectors but also enlarge their sphere of influence.

Jouvenel warns of the ‘Minotaur’ — a metaphor for a power that, left unchecked, can become a devouring force. The involvement of elites in the regulation of AI should be scrutinized to prevent the concentration of too much power in the hands of a few.

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Ian Stephen
Heretic Daily

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